Cognitive Science at Birmingham D.M.Peterson at
Fri Nov 29 10:10:40 EST 1991


                         University of Birmingham 

                   Graduate Studies in COGNITIVE SCIENCE 


The Cognitive Science Research Centre at the University of Birmingham
comprises staff from the Departments/Schools of Psychology, Computer
Science, Philosophy and English, and supports teaching and research in
the inter-disciplinary investigation of mind and cognition. The Centre
offers both MSc and PhD programmes.

                        MSc in Cognitive Science 

The MSc programme is a 12 month conversion course, including a 4 month
supervised project. The course places a particular stress on the
relation between biological and computational architectures.
	Compulsory courses: AI Programming, Overview of Cognitive
Science, Knowledge Representation Inference and Expert Systems,
General Linguistics, Human Information Processing, Structures for Data
and Knowledge, Philosophical Questions in Cognitive Science,
Human-Computer Interaction, Biological and Computational
Architectures, The Computer and the Mind, Current Issues in Cognitive
	Option courses: Artificial and Natural Perceptual Systems,
Speech and Natural Language, Parallel Distributed Processing.
	It is expected that students will have a good first degree ---
psychology, computing, philosophy or linguistics being especially
	Funding is available through SERC and HTNT. 

                        PhD in Cognitive Science

For 1992 studentships are expected for PhD level research into a range
of topics including:

o computational modelling of emotion
o computational modelling of cognition
o interface design
o computational and psychophysical approaches to vision 

                          Computing Facilities

Students have access to ample computing facilities, including networks
of Hewlett-Packard, Sun and Sparc workstations in the Schools of Computer
Science and Psychology. 


For further details, contact: The Admissions Tutor, Cognitive Science,
School of Psychology, University of Birmingham, PO Box 363, Edgbaston,
Birmingham B15 2TT, UK.

Phone:  (021) 414 3683

Email:  cogsci at

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