
Pankaj Mehra p-mehra at
Thu Nov 14 14:16:51 EST 1991

> From: shams at
> Subject: "real-world" applications of neural nets
> We are looking for "real-world" applications of neural networks to be
> used as benchmarks for evaluating the performance of our
> neurocomputer architecture.

I will recommend the following book -- actually the proceedings of the conf
on ANNs in Engg held in St Louis this week -- to anyone interested in
``real-world'' applications:

Cihan Dagli, et al. (eds.), "Intelligent Engineering Systems through
Artificial Neural Networks," New York: ASME Press, 1991.

Ordering Information:
	ISBN 0-7918-0026-1
	The American Society of Mechanical Engineers
	345 East 47th Street, New York, NY 10017, U.S.A.

Of course, if you are out looking for OFFLINE data, then you are ignoring
a big chunk of the real world. If you contact the authors from this book,
you might be able to obtain online simulator software as well as offline
benchmark data.


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