large SIMD nn machines, ASI

Henrik Klagges uh311ae at
Tue Jun 18 18:31:23 EDT 1991


I wonder wether there are any other beta testers of the ASI Cnaps
machine out who might want to share some experiences. Specifically,
has anyone
    - implemented a non-local algorithm (CG, PCG),
    - implemented a good random number generator memory efficient
      enough to be put into node memory / what do you think about
      tables or host communication for an alternative implementation ?
    - thought about interfacing some hardware as preprocessor, pi-
      ping data in via DMA ?
    - found a job for idle processors (small net sizes)
    - liked the 1-bit weight mode
    - ported the debugger to Irix
    - (other)
Some of these questions should be familiar to other SIMD programmers
to ( I have the witbrock gf11 paper). Thank you for any hints.

Cheers, Henrik  (Rick at

H. Klagges, Laser Institute Prof Haensch, PhysDep U of Munich, FRG
+ IBM Research Division, Binnig group

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