Narendra's stability proof
sontag at
Mon Jul 15 14:48:18 EDT 1991
From: Russell Leighton <russ at>
At IJCNN `91 Narendra spoke of a paper where
he has proven stability for a control system
using backpropagation neural networks.
Does anyone know where this was published?
At the American Automatic Control Conference, three weeks ago in Boston, there
were a few papers dealing with adaptive control using neural nets. Among them:
Intelligent Control Using Neural Networks
Narendra, K., Yale University
Mukhopadhyay, S., Yale University
Regulation of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems Using Neural
Narendra, K., Yale University
Levine, A., Yale University
Gradient Methods for Learning in Dynamical System
Containing Neural Networks
Narendra, K., Yale University
Parthasarathy, K., Yale University
Stability and Convergence Issues in Neural Network Control
Slotine, J., Massachusetts Institute of Technology
As far as I recall, all results on stability dealt with RADIAL-BASIS types of
networks, assuming FIXED centers, so the estimation problem is a LINEAR one.
The paper of Slotine has a nice technique for estimating weights at the lower
level, using spectral information on the training data (I guess in the same
spirit that others would use clustering). Before the conference, there was a
one-day course, organized by Narendra, which covered neural net approaches to
control; he had a writeup prepared for that, which might cover the stability
results (I don't know, nor do I know how you can get a copy).
The email addresses for Slotine and Narendra are as follows:
jjs at (Jean-Jacques Slotine, Mech Engr, MIT)
narendra at (Narendra, Engineering, Yale)
PS: My paper in the same proceedings, WP9: "Feedback Stabilization Using
Two-Hidden-Layer Nets", covered the results on why *TWO* hidden layers are
needed for control (and some other) problems, rather than one. (A tech report
was posted late last year to neuroprose, covering the contents of this paper.)
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