Neurosimulators at BITNET.CC.CMU.EDU
Tue Feb 12 16:38:00 EST 1991

Dear connectionist researchers,
We are compiling a list of neurosimulators for inclusion in a review
paper. The table below presents the 45 simulators that we have been able
to track down so far. We have not been able to find out all the details.
We would, therefore, appreciate it when users or developers could fill
us in on the white spots in the list (or point out any mistakes). Also,
if anyone knows of other simulators that should be included, please,
drop us a note. We would especially welcome any (pointers to) papers
describing neurosimulators. This would enable us to refine and extend
the list of features.
        Jaap Murre      Steven Kleynenberg
E-mail:         MURRE at HLERUL55.Bitnet
Surface mail:   Jacob M.J. Murre
                Unit of Experimental and Theoretical Psychology
                Leiden University
                P.O. Box 9555
                2300 RB Leiden
                The Netherlands
To save precious bytes, we have configured the table below in a 132
column format. It may be easier to send the file to a line printer, then
to read it behind the terminal. (On a VAX use: set term /width=132.)
Name            Manufacturer           Language Models  Hardware        Referenc
e       Price ($)
ADAPTICS        Adaptic                                                 [AZEMA]
ANNE            Oregon Grad. Cent.      HLL             Intel hypercube [AZEMA]
ANSE            TRW                                     TRW             [AZEMA]
ANSIM           SAIC                            several IBM             [COHEN]
ANSKIT          SAIC                            several many            [BARGA][
ANSPEC          SIAC                    HLL     many    IBM,MAC,SUN,VAX
AWARENESS       Neural Systems                          IBM             [BYTE]
AXON            HNC                     HLL     many    HNC neurocomp.  [AZEMA][
BYTE]   1950.00
BOSS                                                                    [REGGIA]
BRAIN SIMULATOR Abbot,Foster, & Hauser                  IBM
BRAINMAKER      Cal.Scient.Software             bp      IBM             [BYTE]
CABLE                                                   VAX             [MILLER]
CASENET                                 Prolog                          [DOBBINS
COGNITRON       Cognitive Software      Lisp    many    MAC,IBM         [ZEITV][
BYTE]    600.00
CONE            IBM Palo Alto           HLL             IBM             [AZEMA]
CONNECTIONS                                     hopf    IBM             [BYTE]
CORTEX                                                                  [REGGIA]
DESIRE/NEUNET                                           IBM             [KORN]
EXPLORENET 3000 HNC                     HLL     many    IBM,VAX         [BYTE][C
GENESIS         Neural Systems                          IBM             [MILLER]
GRADSIM         Univ. of Penns.         C       several
GRIFFIN         Texas Instruments                                       [AZEMA]
HYPERBRAIN      Neurix                                  MAC             [BYTE]
MACBRAIN        Neurix                          many    MAC             [BYTE]
MACTIVATION     Univ. of Colorado?
METANET         Leiden University       HLL     many    IBM,VAX         [MURRE]
MIRROR 2                                HLL     several                 [REGGIA]
N-NET           AIWare                  C       bp      IBM,VAX         [BYTE]
N1000           Nestor                                  IBM,SUN         [BYTE]
N500            Nestor                                  IBM             [BYTE]
NEMOSYS                                                 IBM RS/6000     [MILLER]
NESTOR DEV. SYSTEM  Nestor                              IBM,MAC
NET                                                                     [REGGIA]
NETSET 2        HNC                             many    IBM,SUN,VAX
NETWURKZ        Dair Computer                           IBM             [BYTE]
NEURALWORKS     NeuralWare              HLL     many    IBM,MAC,SUN     [BYTE][C
OHEN]   1495.00
NEUROCLUSTERS                                           VAX             [AZMY]
NEURON                                                                  [MILLER]
NEUROSHELL      Ward Systems Group              bp      IBM             [BYTE]
NEUROSYM        NeuroSym                        many    IBM
NEURUN          Dare Research                   bp      IBM
NN3             GMD Bonn                HLL     many                    [LINDEN]
NNSIM                                                                   [NIJHUIS
OWL             Olmsted & Watkins               many    IBM,MAC,SUN,VAX [BYTE]
P3              UCSD                    HLL     many    Symbolics       [ZIPSER]
PABLO                                                                   [REGGIA]
PLATO/ARISTOTLE NeuralTech                                              [AZEMA]
PLEXI           Symbolics               Lisp    bp,hopf Symbolics
PREENS          Nijmegen University     HLL     many    SUN
PYGMALION       Esprit                  C       many    SUN,VAX         [AZEMA]
RCS             Rochester University    C       many    SUN             [AZEMA]
SFINX           UCLA                    HLL                             [AZEMA]
Explanation of abbreviations and terms:
Languages:      HLL = High Level Language (i.e., network definition language; if
   ific programming languages are mentioned
                      networks can be defined using high level functions in thes
e languages)
Models:         several = a fixed number of models is (and will be) supported
                many = the systems can be (or will be) extended with new models
                bp = backpropagation
                hopf = hopfield   (if specific models are mentioned these are th
e only ones su
References:     see list below (We welcome any additional references.)
[AZEMA] Azema-Barac, M., M. Heweston, M. Recce, J. Taylor, P. Treleaven,
        M. Vellasco (1990). Pygmalion, neural network progamming
[BARGA] Barga, R.S., R.B. Melton (1990). Framework for distributed artificial
        neural system simulation. Proceedings of the IJCNN-90-Washington
        DC, 2, 94-97.
[BYTE]  Byte (product listing) (1989). BYTE, 14(8), 244-245.
[COHEN] Cohen, H. (1989). How useful are current neural network software
        tools? Neural Network Review, 3, 102-113.
[DOBBINS] Dobbins, R.W., R.C. Eberhart (1990). Casenet, computer aided
        neural network generation tool. Proceedings of the
        IJCNN-90-Washington DC, 2, 122-125.
[KORN]  Korn, G.A. (1989). A new environment for interactive neural
        network experiments. Neural Networks, 2, 229-237.
[LINDEN] Linden, A., Ch. Tietz (in prep.). Research and development
        software environment for modular adaptive systems. Technical
        Report NN3-1, GMD Birlinghoven, Sankt Augustin, Germany.
[MILLER] Miller, J.P. (1990). Computer modelling at the single-neuron level.
        Nature, 347, 783-784.
[MURRE] Murre, J.M.J., S.E. Kleynenberg (submitted). Extending the
        MetaNet Network Environment: process control and machine independence.
[NIJHUIS] Nijhuis, J., L. Spaanenburg, F. Warkowski (1989). Structure
        and application of NNSIM: a general purpose neural network
        simulator. Microprocessing and Microprogramming, 27, 189-194.
[REGGIA] Reggia, J.A., C.L. D'Autrechy, G.C. Sutton III, S.M. Goodall
        (1988). A general-purpose simulation environment of developing
        connectionist models. Simulation, 51, 5-19.
[VIBERT] Vibert, J.F., N. Azmy (1990). Neuro_Clusters: A biological
        plausible neural networks simulator tool.
[ZEITV] Zeitvogel, R.K. (1989). Cognitive Software's Cognitron 1.2
        (review). Neural Network Review, 3, 11-16.
[ZIPSER] Zipser, D., D.E. Rabin (1986). P3: a parallel network
        simulation system. In: D.E. Rumelhart, J.L. McClelland (1986).
        Parallel distributed processing. Volume 1. Cambridge MA: MIT

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