Tony Marley
Fri Oct 26 15:31:16 EDT 1990
Although Prof. Bregman is in charge of the search for someone to
fill a position in COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY in the Department of Psychology
at McGill University, I encourage mathematically and/or computationally
oriented researchers to keep me informed of their interest.
Although it is unlikelty that we will
hire a "straight" mathematical or computational person for this
position, I will certainly push for someone with mathematical and
computational skills. In particular, I would very much like to see
applicants in the general area of neural modeling.
Please let me know if you apply, and feel free to contact me for
further information.
Tony Marley
Professor, Department of Psychology
Director, McGill Cognitive Science Centre
Tel: 514-398-6128 (office)
514-488-2067 (home)
October 4, 1990
The Department of Psychology at McGill University plans to make a
tenure-track appointment of an assistant or associate professor
in COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY. The appointment will begin in September
1991, subject to the availability of funding.
The department has a strong tradition in cognitive psychology and
is affiliated with the Cognitive Science Centre at the
university. It is strongly supportive of younger staff and tends
to promote from within the department. We are looking for an
outstanding researcher. Nevertheless, we place a great stress on
our teaching program and are looking for a candidate that could
make a special contribution to it.
The applicant's research could be concerned with any aspect of
cognitive psychology, broadly interpreted. The major criterion
will be the excellence of the applicant.
Please bring this letter to the attention of any individuals you
think might be qualified to apply or to persons who might know of
such individuals. Selection will begin in mid-January, 1991.
Applicants should arrange for at least three confidential letters
of support to be sent to the address below. They should also
send a curriculum vitae, copies of research publications and a
brief statement describing their teaching and research to:
A.S. Bregman, Telephone: (514) 398-6103
Cognitive Search Committee FAX: (514) 398-4896
Department of Psychology,
McGill University, E-mail: in09 at musicb.mcgill.ca
1205 Dr. Penfield Avenue, or: in09 at mcgillb.bitnet
Montreal, Quebec,
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