Hierarchical Representations

Kim Daugherty kimd at gizmo.usc.edu
Wed Nov 14 14:09:42 EST 1990

We are interested in representing variable sized hierarchical tree structures 
as activations over a fixed number of units in a connectionist model.  We are
aware of two current approaches, Touretzky's BoltzCONS and Pollack's RAAM,
that perform this task.  Have other approaches been developed as well?

We are also looking for some connectionist modeling tools.  If anybody has or 
knows of any simulator that fits some or all of the following description, 
please contact Kim Daugherty (email below):  (1) RAAM simulator written in C 
or a nice backprop simulator written in C that can be easily converted to a 
RAAM, (2) A graphical interface for unit activations and weights, and 
(3) Something written to work under UNIX hosted on a SUN.

Thanks in advance for help.  We will summarize responses and post to the 
mailing list if appropriate.

Mark Seidenberg                        Kim Daugherty
Neuroscience Program                   Neuroscience Program
University of Southern California      University of Southern California
marks at neuro.usc.edu                    kimd at gizmo.usc.edu

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