JNNS'90 program and the mailing list (long)
kawahara at siva.ntt.jp
Sat Nov 3 00:12:30 EST 1990
I have finally compiled a list of titles presented at the first annual
conference of Japan Neural Network Society. I hope this will give a
general aspect of neural network research activities in Japan.
If you have any questions, please contact neuro-admin at tut.ac.jp, which
is the administrating group of Japanese neural network researcher's
mailing list. The mailing list is still its infancy, and the traffic
is still very low. I hope this will change in the near future.
Hideki Kawahara
NTT Basic Research Laboratories
kawahara%siva.ntt.jp at RELAY.CS.NET
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The first annual conference of the Japan Neural Network Society
Tamagawa University, Tokyo Japan
10-12 September, 1990
Presentation titles: (Original titles were Japanese. These titles were
translated into English by the original authors. Some of them, indicated
by '**', were translated by the editor of this list. 'O' stands for oral
presentation and 'P' stands for poster presentation.)
O1-1, A-BP "Another type of back propagation learning",
Kazuhisa Niki (Electro technical Lab.)
O1-2, Learning of Affine Invariance by Competitive Neural Network,
Suichi Kurogi (Division of Control Engineering, Kyushu Institute
of Technology)
O1-3, ** An Optimal Network Size Selection for Generalization
based on Cross Validation, Yasuhiro Wada and Mitsuo Kawato (ATR)
O1-4, Generalizing Neural Networks using Mean Curvature,
Shin Suzuki and Hideki Kawahara (NTT Basic Research Labs.)
O1-5, Evolution of Artificial Animal having Perceptron by
Genetic Algorithm, Masanori Ichinose and Tsutomu Hoshino (Institute
of Engineering Mechanics, University of Tsukuba)
O2-1, Neural Network Model of Self-Organization of Walking
Patterns in Insects, Shinichi Kimura, Masafumi Yano and Hiroshi
Shimizu(Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science University of Tokyo)
O2-2, Learning Trajectory and Force Control of Human Arm Using
Feedback-Error-Learning Scheme, Masazumi Katayama and Mitsuo
Kawato(ATR Auditory and Visual Perception Research Laboratories)
O2-3, Formation of Optimal Hand Configuration to grasp an
Object, Naohiro Fukumura, Yoji Uno and Ryoji Suzuki(Department
of Mathematical Engineering and Information Physics, Faculty of
Engineering, University of Tokyo)
O2-4, Hybrid Control of Robotic Manipulator by Neural Network Model
(Variable learning of neural networks by Fuzzy set theory),
Takanori Shibata and Toshio Fukuda (Nagoya University)
Masatoshi Tokita and Toyokazu Mitsuda (Kisarazu Technical College)
O2-5, An Overview of Neuofuzzy System, Akira KAWAMURA, Nobuo
WATANABE, Yuri Owada, Ryusuke Masuoka and Kazuo Asakawa
(Computer-based Systems Laboratory, Fujutsu Laboratories Ltd.)
O3-1, ** Cognitive Effects caused by Random Movement of
Wide-Field Patterns and Response Characteristics of MST Cells of
Macaque Monkey, Masao Kaneko, Hiroshi Nakajima, Makoto Mizuno,
Eiki Hida, Hide-aki Saito and Minoru Tsukada (Faculty of
Engineering, Tamagawa University)
O3-2, Extraction of Binocular Parallax with a Neural Network and
3-D Surface Reconstruction, Mahito Fujii, Takayuki Ito, Toshio
Nakagawa (NHK Science and Technical Research Laboratories)
O3-3, A Model of 3-D Surface Depth Perception from Its Boundary
Perceived with Binocular Viewing, Masanori Idesawa (Rikin: The
Institute of Physical and Chemical Research)
O3-4, Theory of Information Propagation, Tetsuya Takahashi(The
Institute for Physical and Chemical Research Laboratory for
Neural Networks)
O3-5, A model of the transformation of color selectivity in the
monkey visual system, Hidehiko Komatsu, Shinji Kaji, Shigeru
Yamane (Electrotechnical Laboratory Neuroscience Section),
Yoshie Ideura (Komatsu Limited)
O4-1, Magical number in cognitive map and quantization of
cognitive map shape, Terunori Mori (Electrotechnical Laboratory)
O4-2, Generative representation of symbolic information in a
pattern recognition model "holovision", Hiroshi Shimizu and Yoko
Yamaguchi (Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of
O4-3, Long-Term Potentiation to Temporal Pattern Stimuli in
Hippocampal Slices, Takeshi Aihara, Minoru Tsukada and Makoto
Mizuno (Faculty. of Eng. Tamagawa Univ.), Hiroshi Kato and Haruyoshi
Miyagawa(Dept. of Physiol. Yamagata Univ.)
O4-4, Bidirectional Neural Network Model for the Generation and
Recognition of Temporal Patterns, Ryoko Futami and Nozomu
Hoshimiya (Department of Electrical Communications, Faculty of
Engineering, Tohoku University)
O4-5, Theta rhythm in hippocampus: phase control of information
circulation, Yoko Yamaguchi and Hiroshi Shimizu (Faculty of
Pharmaceutical Science University of Tokyo)
O5-1, Stability and/or instability of limit cycle memories
embedded in an asynchronous neural network model, Toshinao Ishii
and Wolfgang Banzhaf (Central Research Laboratory Mitsubishi
Electric Corporation), Shigetoshi Nara (Department of Electric
and Electronic Engineering Faculty of Engineer Okayama Univ.)
O5-2, Geometric analysis of the dynamics of associative memory
networks, Kenji Doya (Faculty of Engineering, University of
O5-3, On the Integration of Mapping and Relaxation, Kazuyoshi
Tsutsumi (Department of Mechanical and System Engineering
Faculty of Science and Technology Ryukoku Univ.)
P1-1, Neural network model on gustatory neurons in rat, Masaharu
Adachi, Eiko Ohshima, Kazuyuki Aihara and Makoto Kotani
(Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo Denki Univ.), Takanori Nagai
(Faculty of Medicine, Teikyo Univ.), Takashi Yamamoto (Faculty
of Dentistry, Osaka Univ.)
P1-2, Learning Algorithm based on Temporal Pattern Discrimination
in Hippocampus, Minoru Tsukada and Takeshi Aihara (Tamagawa University),
K. Kato (Yamagata University)
P1-3, A study on Learning by Synapse patch group, Shuji Akiyama,
Yukifumi Shigematsu and Gen Matsumoto (Electrotechnical Laboratory
Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience Section)
P1-4, A Model of the Mechanisms of Long-Term Depression in the
Cerebellum, Tatso Kitajima and Kenichi Hara (Faculty of
Engineering, Yamagata Univ.)
P1-5, ** Self-Organization in Neural Networks with Lateral Inhibition,
Y. Tamori, S. Inawashiro and Y. Musya (Faculty of Engineering, Tohoku
P1-6, ** Receptive Fields by Self-Organization in Neural Networks,
S.Inawashiro, Y. Tamori and Y. Musya (Faculty of Engineering, Tohoku
P1-7, ** Does Backpropagation Exist in Biological Systems? --
Discussions and Considerations, Shyozo Yasui (Kyusyu Institute
of Technology), Eiki Hida (Tamagawa University)
P1-8, Accelerating the convergence of the error back-propagation
algorithm by deciding effective teacher signal, Yutaka Fukuoka,
Hideo Matsuki, Hidetake Muraoka and Haruyuki Minamitani (Keio
P1-9, **Three-Layered Backpropagation Model with Temperature Parameter,
Yoji Fukuda, Manabu Kotani and Haruya Matsumoto (Faculty of Engineering,
Kobe University)
P1-10, Kalman Type Least Square Error Learning Law for Sequential
Neural Network and its Information Theory, Kazuyoshi Matsumoto
(Kansai Advanced Research Center, CRL, MPT)
P1-11, Learning Surface of Hierarchical Neural Networks and Valley
Learning Method, Kazutoshi Gouhara, Norifusa Kanai, Takeshi
Iwata and Yoshiki Uchikawa (Department of Electronic Mechanical
Engineering School of Engineering: Nagoya Univ.)
P1-12, A Study of Generalization of Multi-layered Neural
Networks, Katsumasa Matsuura (Mechanical Engineering Research
Laboratory, Hitachi Ltd.)
P1-13, When "Learning" occurs in Machine Learning,
Noboru Watanabe (Department of Biophysics, Kyoto University)
P1-14, A Study on Self-supervised Learning System, Kazushige
Saga, Tamami Sugasaka and Shigemi Nagata (Computer-Based Systems
Laboratory Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd.)
P1-15, A Learning Circuit for VLSI Analog Neural Network
Implementation, Hiroyuki Wasaki, Yoshihiko Horio and Shogo
Nakamura (Department of Electronic Engineering : Tokyo Denki
P1-16, Comparison of Learning Methods for Recurrent Neural
Networks, Tatsumi Watanabe, Kazutoshi Gouhara and Yoshiki
Uchikawa (Department of Electronic Mechanical Engineering,
School of Engineering : Nagoya Univ.)
P1-17, A Learning algorithm for the neural network of Hopfield
type, Fumio Matsunari and Masuji Ohshima (Toyota Central Res. &
Develop. Labs. Inc.)
P1-18, Quantitative relationship between internal model of motor
system and movement accuracy, movement distance and movement
time, Yoji Uno and Ryoji Suzuki (Faculty of Engineering:
University of Tokyo)
P1-19, Autonomic control of bipedal locomotion using neural
oscillators, Gentaro Taga, Yoko Yamaguchi and Hiroshi Shimizu
(Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences: University of Tokyo)
P1-20, Learning Model of Posture Control in Cerebellum, Hiroaki
Gomi and Mitsuo Kawato (ATR Auditory and Visual Perception
Research Laboratories)
P1-21, Hybrid Control of Robotic Manipulator by Neural Network
Model (Sensing and Hybrid Control of Robotic Manipulator with
Collision Phenomena), Takanori Shibata, Toshio Fukuda, Fumihito Arai
and Hiroshi Wada (Nagoya University), Masatoshi Tokita and Toyokazu Mituoka
(Kisarazu Technical College) Yasumasa Shoji (Toyo Engineering Corp.)
P1-22, Hybrid Position/Force Control of Robotic Manipulator by
Application of Neural Network (Adaptive Control with
Consideration of Characteristics of Objects), Masatoshi Tokita
and Toyokazu Mituoka(Kisarazu National College of Technology),
Toshio Fukuda and Takanori Shibata (Nagoya Univ.)
P1-23, Reverbration in Chaotic Neural Network with a Fractal
Connection, Masatoshi Hori, Masaaki Okabe and Masahiro Nakagawa
(Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,
Nagaoka University of Technology)
P1-24, An investigation of correlation possibility in
neurocomputing and quantum mechanics via Matrix Dynamics,
Tomoyuki Nishio (Technology Planning office General R&D
Laboratory JUKI Corporation)
P1-25, Knowledge Representation and Parallel Inference with
Structured Networks, Akira Namatame and Youichi Ousawa (National
Defense Academy)
P1-26, Simulation of a Spiking Neuron with Multiple Input,
G. Bugmann (Fundamental Research Laboratories, NEC Corporation)
P2-1, Parallel Implementation of Edge detection by
Energy Minimization on QCDPAX machine, Hideki Asoh
(Electrotechnical Laboratory), Youichi Hachikubo and Tsutomu
Hoshino (University of Tsukuba)
P2-2, Characteristics of the Marr-Hildreth filter for two
particle image, Shigeharu Toyoda (Department of Chemical
Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Science, Osaka Univ.)
P2-3, A neural network for fixation point selection, Makoto
Hirahara and Takashi Nagano (College of engineering, Hosei Univ.)
P2-4, A Method for Analyzing Inverse Dynamics of the Retinal
Horizontal Cell Response through the Ionic Current Model,
Yoshimi Kamiyama, Hiroyuki Ishii and Shiro Usui (Information and
Computer Science, Toyohashi Uni. of Technology)
P2-5, Selective Recognition of Plural Patterns by Neural
Networks, Katsuji Imai, Kazutoshi Gouhara and Yoshiki Uchikawa
(Department of Electronic Mechanical Engineering, School of
Engineering, Nagoya Univ.)
P2-6, A neural network for size-invariant pattern recognition,
Masaichi Ishikawa and Toshi Nagano (College of Engineering,
Hosei Univ.)
P2-7, Human-Face Identification by Neural Network for Mosaic Pattern,
Makoto Kosugi (NTT Human Interface Laboratories)
P2-8, Pattern Classification and Recognition Neural Network
based on the Associative Learning Rules, Hidetoshi Ikeno
(Maizuru College of Technology), Shiro Usui and Manabu
Sakakibara (Toyohashi Univ. of Technology)
P2-9, Learning of A Three-Layer Neural Network with Translated
Patterns, Jianqiang YI, Shuichi Kurogi and Kiyotoshi Matsuoka
(Division of Control Engineering, Kyushu Institute of
P2-10, Combining a Neural Network with Template Matching for
Handwritten Numeral Classification, Masahiko Tateishi, Haruaki
Yamazaki (Systems Laboratories, OKI Electric Corporation)
P2-11, Recognition of Continuous Writing of English Words with
the Mechanism of Selective Attention, Taro Imagawa and Kunihiko
Fukushima (Faculty of Engineering Science, Osaka University)
P2-12, Recognition of Handwritten Alphanumeric Characters by the
Neocognitron, Nobuaki Wake Kunihiko Fukushima (Faculty of
Engineering Science, Osaka University)
P2-13, Target Recognition with Chebyshev Networks, Nobuhisa Ueda
and Akira Namatame (National Defense Academy)
P2-14, A Large Scale Neural Network "Comb NET" for Printed Kanji
Character Recognition (JIS 1st and 2nd Level Character Set),
Takashi Tohma, Akira Iwata, Hiroshi Matsuo and Nobuo Suzumura
(Nagoya Institute of Technology)
P2-15, Discriminative Properties of the Temporal Pattern in the
Mesencephalic Periaqueductal Gray of Rat, Mitsuo Terasawa,
Minoru Tsukada, Makoto Mizuno, Takeshi Aihara (Faculty of
Engineering Tamagawa Univ.)
P2-16, Spoken Word Recognition using sequential Neural Network,
Seiichi Nakagawa and Isao Hayakawa (Toyohashi University of
Technology, Dept. of Info. & Comp. Science.)
P2-17, Learning of the three-vowel sequence by a neural network
model and influence to a middle vowel from preceding and
succeeding vowels, Teruhiko Ohtomo and Ken-ichi Hara
(Faculty of Engineering, Yamagata Univ.)
P2-18, A Self-Organizing Neural Network for The Classification
of Temporal Sequences, Seiichi Ozawa (Nara National College of
Technology), Kazuyoshi Tsutsumi (Faculty of Science and
Technology, Ryukoku Univ.), Haruya Matsumoto (Faculty of
Technology, Kobe Univ.)
P2-19, Neural Mechanism for Fine Time-Resolution, Kiyohiko
Nakamura (Graduate School of Science and Engineering Tokyo
Institute of Technology)
P2-20, Neuromagnetic Image Reconstruction by a Neural Network,
Hisashi Tsuruoka (Fukuoka Institute of Technology) and Kohyu
Fukunishi (Advanced Research Lab., Hitachi, Ltd.)
P2-21, A Sparse Stabilization in Mutually Connected Neural
Networks, Hiroshi Yamakawa (Faculty of Engineering, University of
Tokyo), Yoichi Okabe (Research Center for Advanced Science and
Technology, University of Tokyo)
P2-22, ** Relation between Recollection Ability and Membrane
Potential Threshold in Hopfield Model, Eizo Ohno and Atsushi Yamanaka
(Sharp Laboratory)
P2-23, Weight quantization in learning Boltzmann machine,
Masanobu Takahashi, Wolfgang Balzer, Jun Ohta and Kazuo
Kyuma (Solid state quantum electronics department Central
Research Laboratory Mitsubishi Electric Corporation)
P2-24, A cellular organizing approach for the travelling salesman
problem, M. Shigematsu (Electrotechnical Laboratory)
P2-25, Combinatorial Optimization Problems and Stochastic Logic
Neural Network, Yoshikazu Kondo and Yasuji Sawada (Research
Institute of Electrical Communication Tohoku Univ.)
P2-26, Neural Network Models on SIMD Architecture Computer,
Makoto Hirayama (ATR Auditory and Visual Perception Research
P2-27, Optimal connection of an associative network with
non-uniform elements, Hiro-fumi Yanai (Department of
Mathematical Engineering and Information Physics, University of
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