ICNN - Request for Volunteers

Karen Haines khaines at galileo.ECE.CMU.EDU
Fri Mar 23 15:33:58 EST 1990

		  July 9-13,1990  Paris, France 

This is the first call for volunteers to help at the ICNN conference,
to be held at the Palias Des Congres in Paris, France, on July 9-13,1990.

Full admittance to the conference and a copy of the proceedings is 
offered in exchange for your assistance throughout the conference. 

In general, each volunteer is expected to work one shift each day of 
the conference. Hours are approximately: 
	AM shift - 7:00 am - 1:00pm
	PM shift - Noon  - 6:00 pm
In addition, assistance may be required for the social events. 
Below is a description of the available positions.

If you are interested in volunteering, please send me the following information:
Phone number
electronic mail address
shift preference

Positions are being filled on a first commit first served basis. If you have 
further questions, please feel free to contact me. 

		Karen Haines
		Dept. of ECE
		Carnegie Mellon University
		Pittsburgh, PA 15213

		message: (412) 362-8675
		email:	khaines at galileo.ece.cmu.edu
At this time there is no funding available from the conference to cover 
traveling/lodging expenses. Nor do I anticipate any funding available.

Thank you,
Karen Haines
ICNN Volunteer Coordinator

Volunteer Positions (volunteers needed) - Description
(please note that hours are subject to change)
Exhibits - Stuffing Proceedings (8) - These volunteers will be 
required to work Sunday 9am-6pm, Monday 8am-6pm, and Tuesday 8am-12pm. 
Sunday and Monday will be used to stuff proceedings into the bags.
Monday/Tuesday they will double in the exhibits area assisting the Exhibits
Chair exhibitors. 

Poster Session (8) - The volunteers will be responsible for assisting the 
presenters in putting up/taking down their posters. Days that they will be
Shifts are AM or PM Tues thru Thurs.  (Hours - General)

Conference Sessions (16) - The number of Technical sessions that will
be occurring each morning and afternoon of the conference is 4. Two volunteers
will be used to check badges at the door for each technical session.
Volunteers working the technical sessions will be assigned mornings or 
afternoons in groups of two. Note that they will be working with the 
same person each day throughout the conference. 
Shifts are AM or PM, Tues-Fri.  (Hours - General)

Exhibit Area II (4) : - Two volunteers will be used to check badges at 
the door.  Volunteers will be assigned mornings or afternoons.
Shifts are AM or PM, Tues-Fri.  (Hours - General)

Message Center (4) -  Volunteers will be responsible for the message 
center. Two volunteers in the morning, two in the afternoon. 
Shifts are AM or PM Mon-Fri.  (Hours - General)

Reception at the Hotels (24) -  Volunteers will be posted at 6 hotels
to provide directions to the conference. Working in teams of 2, these 
volunteers will be required to work Sunday 9am-9pm, Monday 9am-9pm.

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