TR available by FTP

Vasant Honavar honavar at
Wed Feb 7 17:42:48 EST 1990

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The following tech report is available via ftp from (courtesy Jordan Pollack).
Here is what you need to do to get a copy:

unix> ftp  
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Password: neuron
ftp> cd pub/neuroprose
ftp> get
ftp> quit
unix> uncompress 
unix> lpr -Pxx
(xx is the name of your local postscript printer).

Computer Sciences Technical Report #910, January 1990.

Coordination and Control Structures and Processes: 
Possibilities for Connectionist Networks (CN) 

Vasant Honavar & Leonard Uhr
Computer Sciences Department
University of Wisconsin-Madison


The absence of powerful control structures and processes that synchronize,
coordinate, switch between, choose among, regulate, direct, modulate
interactions between, and combine
distinct yet interdependent modules of large connectionist
networks (CN) is probably one of the most important reasons why such networks
have not yet succeeded at handling difficult tasks (e.g.  complex object
recognition and description, complex problem-solving, planning).

In this paper we examine how CN built from large numbers
of relatively simple neuron-like units can be given the ability to
handle problems that
in typical multi-computer networks and artificial intelligence programs -
along with all other types of programs - are always handled using extremely
elaborate and precisely worked out central control (coordination,
synchronization, switching, etc.).
We point out the several mechanisms for central control of this un-brain-like
sort that CN already have built into them - albeit in hidden, often overlooked, ways.

We examine the kinds of control mechanisms found in computers,
programs, fetal development, cellular function and the immune system,
social organizations, and especially brains, that might be of use in CN.
Particularly intriguing suggestions are found in the pacemakers, oscillators,
and other local sources of the brain's complex partial synchronies; the
diffuse, global effects of slow electrical waves and neurohormones; 
the developmental program that guides fetal development; communication and
coordination within and among living cells; the working of the
immune system; the evolutionary
processes that operate on large populations of organisms; and the great
variety of partially competing partially cooperating controls found in
small groups, organizations, and larger societies.
All these systems are rich in control - but typically control that
emerges from complex interactions of many local and diffuse sources.
We explore how several different kinds of plausible control mechanisms
might be incorporated into CN, and assess their potential benefits
with respect to their cost.

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