Cascade-Correlation, etc

steve gallant sg at
Thu Aug 9 14:34:35 EDT 1990

To respond to Jordan's suggestion, if you copy the output cell from
a stage in cascade correlation into your growing network, then the
previous convergence results hold for boolean learning problems.
This is true whether you copy at every stage or only occasionally.

Scott tried a few simulations and there seemed to be some learning
speed gain by occasional copying, perhaps 25% on the couple of tests
he ran.

Also, if I can add an early paper (that includes convergence)
to Tal Grossman's list:

     Gallant, S. I\@.  Three Constructive Algorithms for Network
     Proc.\ Eighth Annual Conference of the
     Cognitive Science Society, Amherst, Ma., Aug. 15-17, 1986, 652-660.

Steve Gallant

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