apparent FTP problems

Connectionists-Request@CS.CMU.EDU Connectionists-Request at CS.CMU.EDU
Mon Nov 13 11:29:54 EST 1989

When logging in to B.GP.CS.CMU.EDU via anonymous FTP, you may receive the
following "error" message:
  Connected to B.GP.CS.CMU.EDU.
  220 B.GP.CS.CMU.EDU FTP server (Version 4.105 of 18-Jun-89 19:22) ready.
  Name: anonymous
  331 Guest login ok, send ident as password.
  230-[ AFS authentication failed: no password ]
  230 Filenames can not have '/..' in them.

Don't worry about it - you should still have access to the directories


If you still have trouble, send mail to "Connectionists-Request at".

David Plaut
Connectionists-Request at	(ARPAnet)

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