IJCNN - Request for Volunteers

Karen Haines khaines at GALILEO.ECE.CMU.EDU
Sun Nov 12 16:35:26 EST 1989

This is the final call for volunteers to help at the IJCNN conference,
to be held at the Omni Shorham Hotel in Washington D.C., on January
15-19, 1990.

Full admittance to the conference and a copy of the proceedings is 
offered in exchange for your assistance throughout the conference. I
would like to point out that student registration does not include

In general, each volunteer is expected to work one shift each day of 
the conference. Hours are approximately: 
	AM shift - 7:00 am - Noon
	PM shift - Noon  - 5:00 pm
In addition, assistance may be required for the social events. 
There a re a few positions available, but I suggest that if you are
interested you conatact ma as soon as possible. Below is a list of 
specific volunteer events. 

Sunday, January 14, 1990  
10am - 2pm 	Volunteer Shift Signup 	Registration time is based upon
		and Registration	commitment date (i.e those whose
					commit earlier will get first choice )

 6pm - 7pm 	General Meeting		**** Mandatory Meeting ****
 7pm - 9pm 	Volunteer Welcome Party

To sign up please contact:

		Karen Haines - Volunteer Coordinator
		3138 Beechwood Blvd.
		Pittsburgh, PA  15217

		office: (412) 268-3304
		message: (412) 422-6026
		email:	khaines at galileo.ece.cmu.edu

		Nina Kowalski - Assistant Volunteer Coordinator
		209 W. 29th St. FLR 2
		Baltimore, MD  21211

		message: (301) 889-0587
 		email: nina at alpha.ece.jhu.edu

If you have further questions, please feel free to contact me. 
Thank you,
Karen Haines
IJCNN Volunteer Coordinator

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