[AI Seminar] AI Lunch -- Jason Hartline (Northwestern) -- August 29
Adams Wei Yu
weiyu at cs.cmu.edu
Sun Aug 27 18:40:54 EDT 2017
Dear faculty and students,
We look forward to seeing you this Tuesday, August 29, at noon in NSH 1507
(subject to change) for AI lunch. To learn more about the seminar and
lunch, please visit the AI Lunch webpage <http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~aiseminar/>
On Tuesday, Jason Hartline <https://sites.northwestern.edu/hartline/> from
Northwestern will visit CMU. If you want to meet him, please sign up in
this spreadsheet
His talk is the following:
Title: Peer Grading and Mechanism Design
The first part of the talk will overview a peer grading system that is
under development at Northwestern U. In courses that use the system it has
(a) reduced the grading load of course staff by over 75%, (b) expanded and
improved the students’ interaction with the course material, (c) and
improved turn-around time of feedback on student work (students receive
comments on their work after three days, rather than two weeks). As a
research platform, this system enables a dialogue between theory and
practice for algorithms, machine learning, and mechanism design.
Of particular focus for the talk is a connection between incentivizing
students to give accurate peer reviews and all-pay position auctions.
All-pay auctions are a common model for competitions based on effort. In an
all-pay position auction, bidders compete for positions, where higher
positions are more valuable, and all bidders pay their bids (i.e., their
effort is spent). The equilibrium outcome of an all-pay auction depends on
the relative values of the positions. The second part of the talk will
describe recent work on reoptimizing all-pay position auctions from their
equilibrium bid data.
The second part of the talk is joint work with Shuchi Chawla and Denis
Bio: Prof. Hartline received his Ph.D. in 2003 from the University of
Washington under the supervision of Anna Karlin. He was a postdoctoral
fellow at Carnegie Mellon University under the supervision of Avrim Blum;
and subsequently a researcher at Microsoft Research in Silicon Valley. He
joined Northwestern University in 2008 where he is an associate professor
of computer science. He was on sabbatical at Harvard University in the
Economics Department during the 2014 calendar year and visiting Microsoft
Research, New England for the Spring of 2015.
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