[AI Seminar] AI Lunch -- Jiaji Zhou -- April 11

Adams Wei Yu weiyu at cs.cmu.edu
Fri Apr 7 12:00:17 EDT 2017

Dear faculty and students,

We look forward to seeing you Next Tuesday, April 11, at noon in NSH 3305
for AI lunch. To learn more about the seminar and lunch, please visit the AI
 Lunch webpage <http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~aiseminar/>.

On Tuesday, Jiaji Zhou <http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~jiajiz/> will give the
following talk:

Title: Exploiting Task Mechanics for Contact-rich Robotic Manipulation:
Mechanics Model Learning, Uncertainty Reduction and Control.


Effective robotic manipulation requires an understanding of the underlying
physical processes. In this talk, I will start with first principle guided
mechanics model learning for planar sliding. The model is further extended
for simulating generic quasi-static planar contact problems including
pushing and grasping. The second part of the talk is on tree-based grasping
policy synthesis for uncertainty reduction given encoder feedback. If time
permits, I will end the talk with some recent work on control synthesis and
trajectory planning for pushing.
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