[ACT-R-users] Support needed for using ACT-R RPC

Arun Krishna arunbkris at gmail.com
Sat Jul 11 13:58:16 EDT 2020

Hi Dan,

Thank you very much for the reply.
Now I understand that the evaluate method serves the purpose.
Can you please give me a simple example invoking add chunk using evaluate
if it is not taking too much of your time?
The examples you are referring is ACT-R\examples\connections\python I
assume, but this one gives a reference for invoking act-r-version

Thanks & Regards,

On Fri, Jul 10, 2020 at 4:39 PM Dan Bothell <db30 at andrew.cmu.edu> wrote:

> On 7/10/20 7:25 AM, Arun Krishna wrote:
> Hi,
> My java application needs to communicate to ACT-R cognition models via RPC.
> In a big picture level
> Java application -> Sent the current context information -> ACT-R run the
> cognition models ->Get back the result from ACT-R .
> I had gone through http://act-r.psy.cmu.edu/actr7.x/remote.pdf as well as
> some examples given in
> \ACT-R\examples\connections\lisp . But I didn't understand enough to use
> the RPC.
> The current examples contain only two method invocations
> print("{\"method\":\"set-name\",\"params\":[\"Simple Java Example\"],\"id\":null}");
> // Evaluate the ACT-R "act-r-version" command.print("{\"method\":\"evaluate\",\"params\":[\"act-r-version\"],\"id\":1}");
> Is there an example which does more han this with RPC, i.e communication to a count model etc?
> Thanks & Regards,
> Arun
> Given what you describe, it would seem the evaluate method and the
> corresponding result message sent back may be all you need.  The evaluate
> method is used to call commands that are available through the RPC system,
> and the return value(s) are sent back using result.
> Thus, you could evaluate ACT-R commands to set the context (add chunks,
> set buffer contents, create visual features, etc), evaluate one of the
> running commands to run the model, and then evaluate commands to get
> information from the model, like the the contents of buffers or the current
> model time.
> The ACT-R reference manual contains details of all the commands available
> remotely.  Also, if you haven't done so, I would recommend working through
> the ACT-R tutorial to see practical examples of how many of the commands
> are used to setup and run models.  Included with the tutorial is also an
> implementation of the ACT-R RPC protocol in Python which provides Python
> functions to call specific ACT-R commands, which may be helpful in
> understanding how to use it.
> Hope that helps, and let me know if you have further questions,
> Dan
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