[ACT-R-users] Warning about upgrading to MacOS 10.15

db30 at andrew.cmu.edu db30 at andrew.cmu.edu
Mon Oct 14 15:21:06 EDT 2019

Clozure Common Lisp doesn't work under the new MacOS, and
that means the current ACT-R standalone version won't run.

I haven't upgraded a machine yet to do any testing, so I
don't know if other Lisps will run or not.  If they do,
something else to note is that the normal ACT-R Environment application isn't 
going to run either since it's a 32-bit
application, but the alternative browser-based version
of the Environment might work since it is a 64-bit app.
I should have a 64-bit version of the normal Environment
available soon, but I don't know when CCL will be working
so that I can build a new standalone version.


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