[ACT-R-users] Hiring faculty in Data Science

Mike Byrne byrne at rice.edu
Tue Sep 13 00:13:01 EDT 2016

For any of you ACT-R folks out there who are doing "big data" work, we are hiring!

As part of Rice University’s recently announced $150 million investment in research excellence, Rice intends to hire multiple faculty members whose research focus is in data science. We seek two distinct kinds of specialists: (1) data scientists who can make fundamental contributions to the theory, algorithms, and systems aspects of data science, and (2) scholars who work on emerging applications of data science to problems in health and medicine, urban analytics, and high-volume or high-velocity data-intensive science. A successful candidate might have demonstrated capacity in either of these specialties, or in both of them.

For more information on the positions, see here:  https://datascience.rice.edu/faculty-position-announcement


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