[ACT-R-users] STIDS 2014 registration is open!

Alessandro Oltramari aoltrama at andrew.cmu.edu
Sun Oct 19 14:10:49 EDT 2014

### Please distribute as you deem appropriate ###

                  REGISTRATION NOW OPEN 
     Ninth International Conference on Semantic Technologies
      for Intelligence, Defense, and Security - STIDS 2014 
           George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, USA 
                      November 18-21, 2014 
                       stids at c4i.gmu.edu

The STIDS 2014 website is now accepting registrations!
In response to last year’s feedback from our attendees, we have:
- Substantially lowered the registration fees (e.g. regular early bird is now $175, down from $325)
- Created a separate price tier for students
You can check out the new prices and proceed with your registration from the following link:

Early bird prices go until October 31, 2014.

Best regards,
Alessandro Oltramari
STIDS Publicity Co-Chair
On Behalf of the STIDS Organizing Committee

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