[ACT-R-users] FW: Two Faculty Positions WSU/AFRL

Gluck, Kevin A Civ USAF AFMC 711 HPW/RHAC Kevin.Gluck at wpafb.af.mil
Thu Feb 16 09:13:40 EST 2012

Please see the official announcement regarding two tenure-track faculty
positions in the Psychology Dept at Wright State University.  Note the
emphases on cognitive modeling and collaboration with autonomous systems.  I
encourage people with strong quantitative and computational modeling
backgrounds to apply.  The url for accessing their online application system
is in the pdf.

Best regards,


-----Original Message-----
From: John Flach [mailto:john.flach at wright.edu] 
Sent: Friday, February 10, 2012 11:29 AM
To: 'woods.2 at osu.edu '; Rich Jagacinski; Peter Hancock; Robert Hoffman;
Penelope Sanderson; Max Mulder; PJ Stappers; Markus Feufel; Peter M. Todd;
Don Norman; Edwin Hutchins; Greg Jamieson; Ann Bisantz; Kevin Bennett;
Gluck, Kevin A Civ USAF AFMC 711 HPW/RHAC; J. Caird; Richard Catrambone;
Steve Fiore; Lawrence Hettinger; Missy Cummings; Nancy Cooke; Tom Eggemeier;
Neville Stanton; Neville Moray; Neelam Naikar; Gavan Lintern; Matthijs
Amelink; Raja Parasuraman; Amy. Pritchett; Alex Kirlik; Chris Wickens; John
Holden; Willian Mace; Randall J Mumaw; Leonard S. Dr. Mark;
Walter.W.Johnson at nasa.gov; Beth Veinott ARA/CSD; Jerry Busemeyer; Art
Kramer; Nadine B B Sarter; John Lee
Subject: Two Faculty Positions WSU/AFRL


Attached is an ad for two faculty positions in the HFIO Ph.D. program at
We are particularly interested in people who can build active collaborations
with AFRL Human Effectiveness Research Programs as described in the ad.

Please pass this information along to qualified people that you think might
be interested.

Thanks for your help with this.

Best regards,


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