[ACT-R-users] CogModeling notes: ICCM09/AISB09/BRIMS09/RBI workshop/Books/Positions

Frank Ritter frank.ritter at psu.edu
Wed Sep 24 19:07:03 EDT 2008

[Please forward as/what is appropriate, such as to students' mailing
lists, and for calenders of events.]

This is based on the International Cognitive Modeling Conference
mailing list, which I maintain.  I forward messages about twice a

The first two announcements are driving this email, the announcement
of the call for papes and the tutorials program at ICCM 2009.  If you
would like to be removed, please just let me know.  I maintain it by
hand to keep it small.


Frank Ritter
frank.e.ritter at gmail.com
http://acs.ist.psu.edu, http://www.frankritter.com

1. Tutorials program call, 2009 Int'l Conference on Cognitive Modeling
     23 July 2009, Mancester, UK,
     proposal deadline is 5 March 2009

2. ICCM 2009 Conference Announcement, 24-26 July 2009, Mancester, UK,
     paper deadline early April 2009

3. ICCM 2009 Doctoral Consortium Call
     July 23, 2007

4. AISB 09 Convention, 6-9 April 2009

5. BRIMS 09 Conference, 31 March 2009
     paper deadline is 17 December 2008
     http://www.brimsconference.org   (will be up after 6 October)

6. CHI Workshop on Challenges in Evaluating Usability and User Experience
     in Reality Based Interaction

7. I/ITSEC Modeling scholarship

8. Integrated Models of Cognitive Systems book, Anderson (ed.), published

9. ICCM 2004 in DBLP

10. Two books on on Art & Cognition (in French)
      Cognition et creation
      Approaches cognitives de la creation artistique

11. Huntsville Simulation Conference

12. PostDoc Position in CASOS

13. Job in cognitive science in Manchester, UK

14. Job (potentially) in user modeling at North Carolina State University

15. Job (potentially) in modeling at Michigan State
       Deadline:  1 October


1. Tutorials program call, 2009 Int'l Conference on Cognitive Modeling
    23 July 2009, Mancester, UK, proposal deadline is 5 March 2009

The Tutorials program at the International Conference on Cognitive
Modeling (ICCM) 2009 will be held on 23 July 2009. It will provide
conference participants with the opportunity to gain new insights,
knowledge, and skills from a broad range of areas in the field of
cognitive modeling. Tutorial topics will be presented in a taught
format and are likely to range from practical guidelines to academic
issues and theory. Tutorials at ICCM have been held before, and this
year's program will be modelled after them and after the series held
at the Cognitive Science Conference.

If you are interested in providing such a tutorial, please reply to
the tutorials call, and please keep in mind that this is typically
developmental process, so please feel free to contact me or a
committee member for suggestions, advice, and comments, including

More details at  http://acs.ist.psu.edu/iccm2007/tutorials-call.html

     Erik Altmann (Michigan State)
     Fabio Del Missier (Trento)
     Glenn Gunzelmann (Air Force Research Laboratory)
     Randolph M. Jones (Soar Technology)
     Katharina Scheiter (Tuebingen)
     Peter Wallis (Sheffield)


2. ICCM 2009 Conference Announcement
     24-26 July 2009, Mancester, UK, paper deadline early April 2009

ICCM is the premier international conference for research on
computational models and computation-based theories of human
behavior. ICCM is a forum for presenting, discussing, and evaluating
the complete spectrum of cognitive models, including connectionism,
symbolic modeling, dynamical systems, Bayesian modeling, and cognitive
architectures. ICCM includes basic and applied research, across a wide
variety of domains, ranging from low-level perception and attention to
higher-level problem-solving and learning.

The proceedings of the 2007 conference are available from


3.  ICCM 2009 Doctoral Consortium Call

Doctoral Consortium July 23, 2009

The ICCM 2009 Doctoral Consortium provides an opportunity for doctoral
students to explore their research interests in a multi-approach
workshop, under the guidance of a panel of research faculty.  The
Consortium has the following objectives:

   * Provide a setting for mutual feedback on participants' current research
     and guidance on future research directions.

   * Develop a supportive community of scholars and a spirit of
     collaborative research.

   * Contribute to the conference goals through interaction with other
     researchers and conference events.

Review Criteria

The Doctoral Consortium review committee will select participants
based on their anticipated contribution to the Consortium
objectives. Participants typically have settled on thesis directions
but have not necessarily had their research proposals accepted by
their thesis committees. The Doctoral Consortium encourages
participation of students from a wide variety of modeling
approaches. Students from under-represented groups or institutions,
including students from institutions where modeling is not a strength,
are especially encouraged to apply.


4.  AISB 09 Convention


The AISB'09 Convention will be organised by Nick Taylor at Heriot-Watt
University in Edinburgh, 6th-9th April 2009. Its theme is Adaptive and
Emergent Behaviour and Complex Systems.  It is made up up of workshops
and symposiums.

Killer Robots or Friendly Fridges: the Social Understanding of
Artificial Intelligence
Prof Greg Michaelson (Heriot-Watt University)
Prof Ruth Aylett (Heriot-Watt University)

New Frontiers in Human-Robot Interaction
Prof Kerstin Dautenhahn (University of Hertfordshire)

2nd Swarm Intelligence Algorithms and Applications Symposium (SIAAS-09)
Dr Aladdin Ayesh (De Montfort University)

Evolutionary Algorithms for the Design and Understanding of Complex Systems
Prof David Corne (Heriot-Watt University)
Dr Pier Frisco (Heriot-Watt University)

2nd Perada Workshop on Pervasive Adaptation
Dr Emma Hart (Napier University)
Dr Nick Taylor (Heriot-Watt University)

PERSIST Workshop on Intelligent Pervasive Environments
Ms Sarah McBurney (Heriot-Watt University)
Ms Eliza Papadopoulou (Heriot-Watt University)

Social Networks and Multi-Agent Systems Symposium (SNAMAS-09)
Dr Guido Boella (University of Turin)
Dr Leendert van der Torre (University of Luxembourg)
Dr Harko Verhagen (Stockholm University)

Symposium on Behaviour Regulation in Multi-Agent Systems
Dr Nir Oren (King's College London)

Workshop on Matching and Meaning
Dr Fiona McNeill (University of Edinburgh)

Affective Bodily Expression
Dr Nadia Berthouze (University College London)
Dr Marco Gillies (Goldsmiths College London)

Affect Mental States Symposium: From Emotion to Reason (AMSS-09)
Dr Aladdin Ayesh (De Montfort University)

2nd AISB Symposium Computing and Philosophy
Dr Mark Bishop (Goldsmiths College London)

Persuasive Technology and Digital Behaviour Intervention
Dr Judith Masthoff (University of Aberdeen)
Dr Floriana Grasso (University of Liverpool)


5.  BRIMS 09 Conference, 30 March -2 April 2009
      paper deadline is 17 December 2008
      http://www.brimsconference.org  (will be up after 6 October)

Sundance Resort, Utah.  (room rates will be very competitive)

All submissions due:  December 17, 2008
Note: Paper submissions are full papers

Tutorials held: March 30, 2009

Invited Speakers

Dr. John Anderson                        Lt. Col. Dave Grossman
Carnegie Mellon University        Author of On Killing

Bruce Sawhill & Jim Herriot, DayJet

This year BRIMS is being co-located with the Spring Simulation
Interoperability Workshop (SIW), which will provide an outstanding
opportunity for scientiÞc and technical exchange on research and
application in human behavior representation with the larger modeling
and simulation community.  BRIMS enables modeling and simulation
research scientists, engineers, application users, and technical
communities to meet, share ideas and experiences, identify gaps in
current capabilities, discuss new research directions, highlight
promising technologies, and showcase applications. The BRIMS Executive
Committee invites papers, posters, demos, symposia, panel discussions,
and tutorials on topics related to the representation of individuals,
groups, teams and organizations in models and simulations.  All
submissions are peer-reviewed.

Paper submissions are full papers but are limited to 5 pages and
should describe original research that has not been published
elsewhere.  Accepted papers are published in the Proceedings.  Papers
not accepted as full papers will be considered for poster

Proposals for Symposia and Panel Discussions, Interactive Sessions,
Exhibitions, and Tutorials are also solicited.  Abstracts for selected
symposia/panel discussions will be published in the Proceedings.


6.  CHI Workshop on Challenges in Evaluating Usability and User Experience
      in Reality Based Interaction

CFP: CHI 2009 Workshop: Challenges in Evaluating Usability and User
Experience in Reality Based Interaction

The emergence of Post-WIMP interfaces led to new ways of interacting
with technology. However, there are still no integrated ways of
evaluating the usability and user experience of these
interfaces. Developers and designers are left to discover their own
evaluation methods. This approach presents problems, as methods used
in each case may provide results that are neither valid nor
meaningful. Thus, the time is ripe to integrate the methods that have
been developed for evaluating interfaces that belong to the RBI

This workshop will further the understanding of the challenges
relating to evaluation methods specific to RBIs, and will identify
effective practical responses to these challenges. We will enhance and
promote the collaboration between researchers and practitioners that
work in the field of design and evaluation of RBIs by
cross-pollinating the work done in the RBI constituent interaction
styles. We invite submissions in the following topics:

     * Case studies of evaluations that applied a specific measure or
       evaluation method to RBI applications.

     * Experimental studies of evaluation methods that hold potential
       for use in applied RBI settings.

     * Conceptual frameworks that enable the evaluation of RBIs through
       subjective and objective measures.

     * Studies that provide connections between user experience and
       usability measures in RBI contexts.


Submissions of 2-4 pages in SIGCHI archive format are to be sent to
g.christou at euc.ac.cy by 23rd October 2008. One author is required to
register at the workshop and for one or more days of CHI 2009.


  GEORGIOS CHRISTOU, European University Cyprus
  WILLIAM GREEN, Philips Research Europe
  KASPER HORNBÆK, University of Copenhagen

  Greg Dunn, Philips Research Europe
  Jettie Hoonhout, Philips Research Europe
  Robert Jacob, Tufts University
  Frank E. Ritter, Penn State University
  Orit Shaer, Wellesley College


For more information, contact Georgios Christou at g.christou at euc.ac.cy

Georgios Christou, Ph.D.
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
School of Sciences
European University Cyprus


7.  I/ITSEC Modeling scholarship

Applications will be accepted through February 23, 2009. Funds will be
available to the student for the Fall 2009 Quarter/Semester.

The Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation and Education
Conference (I/ITSEC) is pleased to announce the Eighteenth Annual
I/ITSEC Graduate Student Scholarships. Scholarships are being offered
at a Masters level in the amount $5,000, and at a Doctoral level in
the amount of $10,000. The scholarships are being offered to stimulate
student interest and university participation in preparing individuals
for leadership in the Simulation, Training and Education
community. The scholarship recipient will attend I/ITSEC '09 at the
expense of the organization, where he or she will be recognized, view
the latest in simulation, training and education technologies and meet
leading figures from Government, Industry and Academia associated with
this community.

Additional requirements:
   * The applicant must be a U.S. citizen

   * The applicant must successfully complete undergraduate studies by
      the end of Spring Term 2009.


8.  Integrated Models of Cognitive Systems book, Anderson (ed.), published

(The third book in the OUP Cognitive Models and Architectures series.)

"The question for me is how can the human mind occur in the physical
universe. We now know that the world is governed by physics. We now
understand the way biology nestles comfortably within that. The issue
is how will the mind do that as well."--Allen Newell, December 4,
1991, Carnegie Mellon University

The argument John Anderson gives in this book was inspired by the
passage above, from the last lecture by one of the pioneers of
cognitive science. Newell describes what, for him, is the pivotal
question of scientific inquiry, and Anderson gives an answer that is
emerging from the study of brain and behavior.

Humans share the same basic cognitive architecture with all primates,
but they have evolved abilities to exercise abstract control over
cognition and process more complex relational patterns. The human
cognitive architecture consists of a set of largely independent
modules associated with different brain regions. In this book,
Anderson discusses in detail how these various modules can combine to
produce behaviors as varied as driving a car and solving an algebraic
equation, but focuses principally on two of the modules: the
declarative and procedural. The declarative module involves a memory
system that, moment by moment, attempts to give each person the most
appropriate possible window into his or her past. The procedural
module involves a central system that strives to develop a set of
productions that will enable the most adaptive response from any state
of the modules. Newell argued that the answer to his question must
take the form of a cognitive architecture, and Anderson organizes his
answer around the ACT-R architecture, but broadens it by bringing in
research from all areas of cognitive science, including how recent
work in brain imaging maps onto the cognitive architecture.


9.   ICCM in DBLP

The DBLP Computer Science Bibliography now lists publications from
ICCM 2004 in it.
http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/conf/iccm/iccm2004.html I
don't know when it happened, but recently, in a vanity search, I saw
that they were included.


10.  Two books on on Art & Cognition (in French)

Explorations cognitives des processus de conception

Mario Borillo et Jean-Pierre Goulette


Le développement récent des sciences de la cognition porte le projet
de dialogue art/science sur un territoire inédit et à bien des égards
surprenant. En effet, la rencontre ne s'effectue plus seulement sur le
plan de la pure instrumentalité - illustrée de manière spectaculaire
par ce qu'il est convenu d'appeler l'art électronique, par
exemple. Plus profondément, la rencontre vise désormais à pénétrer au
plus intime du processus de création de l'oeuvre d'art, à le décrire,
à l'expliquer dans les termes d'une transdisciplinarité qui associe,
autour du concept de computation, des disciplines aussi diverses que
les neurosciences, la psychologie, les sciences du langage, enfin
l'informatique et les mathématiques pour les aspects théoriques plus
formels. Cet ouvrage rassemble des contributions qui illustrent les
voies que prend aujourd'hui l'émergence de cette ambition dans le
domaine de l'art. On y trouvera un ensemble de recherches où sont
abordées des questions comme l'analyse et la description des processus
de conception, par exemple dans le cas de l'architecture, mais aussi
de la musique et de la danse. Sur ce socle empirique, sont examinés
les problèmes que soulève la représentation formelle de ces structures
et de ces processus, une formalisation qui n'est parfois qu'une étape
indispensable à la mise en oeuvre de systèmes informatiques pour
participer au processus de création. Une coopération qui est elle-même
l'un des défis que lancent aujourd'hui les technologies cognitives. Un
livre qui associe en profondeur deux des activités les plus
significatives de l'empan du mental - l'art et la cognition.


Mario Borillo
Pierre MARDAGA Editeur

Montrer comment l'interrogation scientifique commence à pénétrer
certains des processus mentaux, des activités sensori-motrices, qui
sont au c¦ur de la conception et de la production de l'¦uvre d'art -
et aussi , sous d'autres formes, de sa jouissance - tel est le propos
de cet ouvrage.

Bien entendu, une telle ambition procède du développement des sciences
de la cognition dont elle est inséparable. Celles-ci associent dans un
vaste projet transdisciplinaire l'observation des diverses modalités
par lesquelles se manifeste l'activité cognitive - de son substrat
neurologique à ses manifestations comportementales et langagières. Du
point de vue théorique, ces recherches s'inscrivent dans un cadre
formel de nature logique, mathématique et computationnelle, qui
articule ces différents domaines empiriques, en donnant leur cohérence
conceptuelle et leur pleine signification aux données

Se tournant vers la sphère de l'art, la recherche cognitive dessine
une mosaïque de problèmes philosophiques et scientifiques inédits qui
va des processus neuropsychologiques propres à la perception de
l'¦uvre d'art jusqu'à l'émergence de la signification dans les
systèmes symboliques qui la construisent, en passant par les diverses
modalités sociétales qui entrent dans la formation de la sensibilité,
de l'émotion et de la culture. Quel est le rôle de tel constituant
biologique ou symbolique de notre système cognitif dans la création
et/ou la jouissance de l'¦uvre d'art? Comment l'isoler? Comment le
décrire? Comment se compose-t-il éventuellement avec d'autres
constituants dans la réalisation ou la contemplation de l'oeuvre?
Quelles sont les relations/interactions entre esthétique,
signification et émotion? Š Autant de questions délicates aujourd'hui

Sur un front aussi large d'interrogations et de savoirs émergents, le
propos de ce livre est de donner la plus grande intelligibilité à la
rigueur de la démarche scientifique et philosophique. Une ouverture
sur de nouveaux territoires pour l'esprit.


11. Huntsville Simulation Conference

The 2008 Huntsville Simulation Conference, sponsored by The Society
for Modeling and Simulation International and hosted by The Alabama
Modeling and Simulation Council, is scheduled for October 22 and 23 at
the Huntsville Marriott Hotel, Five Tranquility Base, Huntsville,
Alabama, with a classified segment October 21 at the Advanced Research


12. PostDoc Position in CASOS

PostDoc Position in CASOS
Start Date: Immediately
Length - 2-3 years

The Post-Doctoral position in the Center for Computational Analysis of
Social and Organizational Systems (CASOS).  Candidate will work with
Professor Carley in the area of network, evolution and change using a
combined machine learning and statistical analysis approach.  The
candidate will help assess network change over time in large scale
networks, analyze behavioral and network data, design, develop and
test new algorithms and integrate them into CASOS tools, write
research papers, develop presentation materials and give talks related
to this research. Application areas are varied and include: belief
identification, state failure, text analysis, anaphora resolution,
counter-narcotics, counter-terrorism, and law-enforcement.

CASOS brings together computer science, dynamic network analysis and the
empirical study of complex socio-technical systems. Computational and
social network techniques are combined to develop a better understanding
of the fundamental principles of organizing, coordinating, managing and
destabilizing systems of intelligent adaptive agents (human and
artificial) engaged in real tasks at the team, organizational or social


13.  Job in cognitive science in Manchester, UK


We are seeking to appoint an experienced and enthusiastic cognitive
scientist or cognitive neuroscientist to join the Cognition and
Cognitive Neuroscience Research Group (CCNRG) in the School. Areas of
particular interest to the group include memory, cognition and
emotion, time perception, decision making, face recognition, motor
control, cross-modal processing, spatial processing, attentional and
top-down processing, and their neural bases. While there is a strong
focus on behavioural work, expertise in structural and functional MRI
and ERP/EEG is extensive within the group. You will be expected to
develop a strong programme of research and to contribute significantly
to the teaching of cognition and cognitive neuroscience at both
undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Subject to a satisfactory 4
year probationary period this post is open-ended.


14.  Job in user modeling at North Carolina State University

Edward P. Fitts Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering
North Carolina State University

The Edward P. Fitts Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering
at North Carolina State University seeks to hire multiple
positions. The Department seeks two senior faculty for endowed
professorships ($1M each) as well as faculty at the Assistant /
Associate Professor level. Applicants must have an earned doctorate in
engineering or a related discipline.

One endowed professorship is in biomedical manufacturing systems
engineering, including one or more of the following areas: biomedical
manufacturing; nanomanufacturing; micromanufacturing; tissue
engineering; biomedical modeling; medical-device design and
manufacturing; biomanufacturing systems engineering; and
pharmaceutical manufacturing.  The second endowed professorship is in
health systems engineering with emphasis on the broad connections to
medical decisions, diagnosis, and therapy. The holder of both
Distinguished Professorships will provide leadership in the
development of research and academic programs.

Other positions will consider applicants with expertise in ergonomics,
manufacturing and stochastic processes. The ergonomics position will
give preference to design of complex cognitive systems (e.g., robotic,
medical, military, transportation, training), systems safety and
resilience, human-machine system modeling, and user performance
evaluation and testing. The manufacturing engineering position will
give preference to, but is not limited to, biomanufacturing, advanced
manufacturing processes, nanomaterials and processes, biomaterials,
rapid prototyping/manufacturing, and medical device design.

NCSU is located minutes from the Research Triangle Park (www.rtp.org),
the medical schools at Duke University and the University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill.  NCSU also has its own university/industry
research campus (centennial.ncsu.edu), providing ample opportunity to
interact with diverse industrial and research organizations as well as
other outstanding universities.  The Department has four areas of
concentration in teaching and research: ergonomics, production
systems, manufacturing, and systems analysis and optimization, as well
as signature integrative thrusts in biomedical manufacturing systems
engineering, health systems engineering and logistics systems

Review of applications will begin immediately.  Applications will be
accepted until suitable candidates are found. To apply for these
positions, go to jobs.ncsu.edu/applicants/Central?quickFind=78798 for
position #04-32-0711. Please go to
jobs.ncsu.edu/applicants/Central?quickFind=78796 to apply for position

NCSU is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer.  Also,
NC State welcomes all persons without regard to sexual orientation.
In its commitment to diversity and equity, NCSU seeks applications
from women, minorities and persons with disabilities. Individuals with
disabilities desiring accommodations in the application process or
other questions should contact Debbie Allgood-Staton, Administrative
Manager, Debbie_allgood at ncsu.edu, ph/vm 919-515-6401, fax


15.  Job (potentially) in modeling at Michigan State

*Environmental Science & Policy Program, Michigan State University - AST

Posting Date:       Sep 10, 2008
Posting Number:  SSC-047
Tenure System, 9-month basis, 100% time.

DUTIES:  The Department of Sociology and the Environmental Science and
Policy Program of Michigan State University seek a tenure stream
Assistant Professor in the area of environmental policy or population
and environment.  The appointment will be joint between the Department
of Sociology and the Environmental Science and Policy Program. 
Sociology will be the tenure home for the position.  Ph.D. or equivalent
is required at the time of appointment.  Candidates should have strong
quantitative skills and rigorous theoretical focus.  International
experience or demonstrated interest in international issues is an
advantage as is a background in modeling.  We also have a special
interest in researchers studying coupled human and natural systems.  The
successful candidate will be expected to develop externally funded
research.    For more information about Environment Science & Policy
Program, please visit our website at http://environment.msu.edu

QUALIFICATIONS:  Ph.D. or equivalent is required at the time of
appointment.  Doctorate or other terminal degree. Candidates should have
strong quantitative skills and rigorous theoretical focus.

APPLICATIONS:  Due October 1, 2008.  Late submissions will be considered
if a suitable candidate pool is not identified by the deadline.  MSU is
an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity employer. MSU is committed to
achieving excellence through cultural diversity. The university actively
encourages applications and/or nominations of women, persons of color,
veterans and persons with disabilities.  Application should refer to
position 38-047.  Please send curriculum vitae, samples of written work,
a short statement of professional goals and at least three letters of
recommendation to:  Sociology/ESPP CHANS Search Committee, Environmental
Science and Policy Program, Michigan State University, 274 Giltner Hall,
East Lansing, MI 48824-1101.  Electronic applications should be sent to
ESPP at MAIL.MSU.EDU <mailto:ESPP at MAIL.MSU.EDU> and directed to Search

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