[ACT-R-users] 1st CFP: Workshop on Matching and Meaning: automated development, evolution and interpretation of ontologies.

Fiona McNeill f.j.mcneill at ed.ac.uk
Wed Sep 24 07:28:54 EDT 2008

Apologies for cross-postings

                               CALL FOR PAPERS

                        Workshop on Matching and Meaning:
        Automated development, evolution and interpretation of ontologies


             9th April 2009, part of AISB'09 Convention, Edinburgh, UK


The problem of semantic misalignment - of two systems failing to 
understand one another when their semantic representation is not 
identical - occurs in a huge variety of areas: the Semantic Web, 
databases, natural language processing; anywhere, indeed, where 
semantics are necessary but centralised control is undesirable or 
impractical.  In highly dynamic domains, where interactions are between 
a large, diverse and evolving community, there is a need for the 
resolving of these misalignments - through developing and evolving 
existing ontologies or interpreting unknown ontologies in terms of 
known ones - to be done automatically and on-the-fly.

The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers interested in 
the problems of automated development, evolution and interpretation of 
ontologies in the many different domains in which it occurs. We are 
primarily interested in the exchange of ideas and the stimulation of 
debate, and the workshop is intended to be a forum for researchers to 
present ongoing work and ideas and to engage in discussion with other 
researchers from the field. We are particularly interested in novel 
ideas and innovative research, which may be in its early stages, and 
encourage reports on work in progress.

Topics of interest include:

     * Ontology evolution
     * Ontology matching and alignment
     * Ontology versioning
     * Representational or structural change
     * Formal aspects of ontology dynamics
     * Foundational issues
     * Social and collaborative matching
     * Background knowledge in matching
     * Extensions to ontology languages to better support change
     * Belief revision for ontologies and the Semantic Web
     * Inconsistency handling in evolving ontologies
     * Uncertainty in matching
     * Change propagation in ontologies and metadata
     * Ontologies for dynamic environments
     * Dynamic knowledge construction and exploitation
     * Case studies, software tools, use cases, applications
     * Open problems


We encourage the submission of extended abstracts that discuss ongoing 
research, problem descriptions and overviews of the domain. These may 
be of any length; we expect two or three pages will be appropriate in 
most cases. This workshop will be non-archival so it is not necessary 
that abstracts should meet fixed standards; they are primarily intended 
to highlight ideas.

Submissions will be subject to light reviewing, mainly intended to 
check fit to workshop.

Abstracts should be submitted electronically in pdf format to 
f.j.mcneill-at-ed.ac.uk by 19th December 2008. Notification of 
acceptance will be sent to the submitting author on 13th February 2009.


The workshop will take place at the Edinburgh Convention Centre at 
Heriot Watt University in Edinburgh, as part of the AISB 2009 
Convention (http://www.aisb.org.uk/convention/aisb09/), on April 9th 
2009. All workshop participants must be registered for the AISB 2009 
Convention. Registration for this workshop is included in the 
convention registration fee.


Submission: Friday, 19th December 2008
Notification: Friday, 13th February 2009
Workshop: 9th April 2009
AISB09 Convention: 6th - 9th April 2009


Presentations: Authors of accepted abstracts will give presentations of 
their work; exact times to be decided.

Posters: If it is not possible to fit in presentations for all accepted 
authors, some may be asked to present posters instead. There will be a 
session of 5 minute poster talks.

Panel: The technical programme will end with a 90 minute panel 
discussion on a topic of mutual interest to be decided. Three speakers 
will speak for 10 minutes each with a brief to stimulate debate during 
the remaining 60 minutes. Discussion amongst all participants, rather 
than question-and-answering for the panel, will be strongly encouraged.


Fiona McNeill, University of Edinburgh, UK
Michael Chan, University of Edinburgh, UK


Manuel Atencia Arcas, IIIA-CSIC, Spain
Paolo Besana, University of Edinburgh, UK
Alan Bundy, University of Edinburgh, UK
Jerome Euzenat, INRIA Grenoble Rhone-Alpes, France
Fausto Giunchiglia, University of Trento, Italy
Adam Pease, Articulate Software, USA
Pavel Shvaiko, TasLab, Informatica Trentina, Italy

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

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