[ACT-R-users] threaded cognition problem
Dan Bothell
db30 at andrew.cmu.edu
Mon Mar 10 11:39:00 EDT 2008
--On Monday, March 10, 2008 4:17 PM +0100 Hendrik Neumann
<hendrik.neumann at unibw.de> wrote:
> Hello,
> Has anyone tried to run ACT-R 6 with the threaded cognition module
> provided by D. Salvucci and N. Taatgen
> (http://www.cs.drexel.edu/~salvucci/threads/) in a different lisp than
> MCL? I just loaded ACT-R (r222 and r370) in Allegro CL with the
> threads.lisp file in the /modules subfolder, but when I tried to start a
> simple model with two goals to test the threaded cognition approach, only
> one thread (the last to be put into the goal buffer) was working. The
> buffer trace showed just one goal, too. Is there any way I can make sure
> the extra module was loaded correctly? I tried different models built in
> the same fashion as the sample provided on the website mentioned above,
> so I think the problem lies with the threads-module. Any help in getting
> this to work correctly would be great, as I am fairly new to lisp/ACT-R.
I've never used the threads.lisp code, so someone else may have more
experience with it, but it looks to me like the issue is probably the line
endings in the threads.lisp file. When I get the file from that site
it has Mac-style line endings and ACL doesn't properly handle those
(even on a Mac if I remember correctly). So, if you convert that file
to use either Unix or Windows style line endings it should load properly
and then do what it's supposed to do.
Hope that helps,
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