[ACT-R-users] ACT-R robot

Greg Trafton greg.trafton at nrl.navy.mil
Mon Jun 23 14:55:13 EDT 2008

We've been hooking up ACT-R to our robots for several years now.

We have a new version (OK, a couple new versions) that basically take  
information from the robot's sensors, put them into ACT-R's audicon or  
visicon (as appropriate) and go from there.  we're calling our  
modified version ACT-R/E (for Embodied).

we have several papers available that describe some of the  
capabilities we use, most available at http://www.nrl.navy.mil/aic/iss/aas/CognitiveRobots.php


On Jun 10, 2008, at 11:37 AM, Bruce J Weimer MD wrote:

> I'm using LispWorks for Windows to program an open-source laptop-on- 
> wheels type hobby robot.  I'm looking into ACT-R as a possible  
> "cognitive engine".  My robot, Leaf, has emotion driven behaviors,  
> OpenCV face detection/recognition, SAPI5 speech recognition/tts, CU  
> Animate face animation, WiFi robot to robot "telepathy", internet  
> telepresence, X10 home automation and more.  Anyway, I'm intrigued  
> by ACT-R's "conflict resolution" scheme.  And I'm also interested in  
> using WN Lexical to interface WordNet for natural language  
> processing.  I'm looking then for some help interfacing ACT-R to the  
> robot - sending data from the robot to ACT-R regarding people the  
> robot's seen, phrases the robot's heard, etc and then sending data  
> from ACT-R to the robot to give verbal responses, actuate motor  
> sequences, etc.
> So, if anyone's interested in helping or can provide links to  
> references/papers, please contact me at:
> bjweimer at charter.net
> Thanks in advance!
> Bruce.
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