[ACT-R-users] ACT-R robot

"Marc Halbrügge" marc.halbruegge at gmx.de
Tue Jun 10 19:37:17 EDT 2008

Hi Bruce,

> I'm looking then for some help interfacing ACT-R to the
> robot - sending data from the robot to ACT-R regarding people the robot's
> seen, phrases the robot's heard, etc and then sending data from ACT-R to the
> robot to give verbal responses, actuate motor sequences, etc.
ACT-CV  (computer vision for ACT-R) uses OpenCV, too. You should take a look at the code at

You will find a client/server version of ACT-CV there, which already does some of the stuff you're looking for: 
- doing some machine vision (OpenCV) on one computer, 
- sending the result to another computer that runs ACT-R
- sending the actions of ACT-R (keypresses only in ACT-CV) back to the first computer


We have also written a small paper about it (in german): 
Halbrügge, M., Deml, B., Färber, B. A. & Bardins, S. (2007). ACT-CV - Die Erweiterung von ACT-R um Bildverarbeitungsalgorithmen erlaubt die schnelle Erzeugung mächtiger Benutzermodelle. In In: Grandt. M. & Bauch, A. (Hrsg.), Simulationsgestützte Systemgestaltung - DGLR-Bericht 2007-04, S. 313-331, Bonn: DGLR e.V. 
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