[ACT-R-users] EMMA question (bug?)
"Marc Halbrügge"
marc.halbruegge at gmx.de
Wed Jul 9 16:39:58 EDT 2008
while modeling some visual search behavior, I ran across the following problem:
Salvucci (2001) states that "EMMA can produce skipped gazes by canceling
saccades when encoding occurs quickly (i.e., before eye-movement preparation is complete)"
but the ACT-R module skips gazes much too often when the encoding time is short. I tracked that down to line 391 in method initiate-eye-move:
(when (<= recog-time (total-time sacc-mvmt))
(schedule-event-relative (max 0 recog-time) 'ENCODING-COMPLETE ;;mjs
I my opinion, this should be (changes in bold)
(when (<= recog-time (FPREP-TIME sacc-mvmt))
(schedule-event-relative (max 0 recog-time) 'ENCODING-COMPLETE ;;mjs
What do you think?
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