[ACT-R-users] ACT-R Tutorial

John Anderson ja+ at cmu.edu
Mon Jun 18 10:40:44 EDT 2007


Wayne Gray sent the following query:

"Could you or Dan send out a note about the content of the ACTR 
tutorial at ICCM. I have been getting cc'd on messages from folks who 
are asking each other how much review, how much novice, and how much 
truly advanced and/or new stuff the day long tutorial will include. "

The tutorial abstract is attached and I think the answer to Wayne's 
question is "advanced and/or new".  It is intended for ACT-R users. 
However, I want to stress that we are holding this very much in the 
spirit of the 2001 ACT-R Post Graduate School and want this to be an 
opportunity for ACT-R users to discuss issues.  Therefore, we (the 
teachers) are deliberately leaving plenty of time for discussion of 
issues of interest to the community.   To further facilitate this 
there will be an ACT-R dinner afterwards at which such discussions 
can continue.   If you are interested in attending the dinner and 
have not yet done so please RSVP to Jennifer Ferris 
(jlferris at cmu.edu).

Hope to see you in Ann Arbor,


John R. Anderson
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

Phone: 412-268-2788
Fax:     412-268-2844
email: ja at cmu.edu
URL:  http://act.psy.cmu.edu/
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