[ACT-R-users] ACTR-05 -- submissions due July 5

John Anderson ja+ at cmu.edu
Mon Jul 4 11:59:29 EDT 2005


To those of us celebrating, happy 4th of July.

Danilo Fum reports that things are progressing well for the meetings 
in Trieste.    He allows how, in light of the American holiday, he 
would accept submissions a day later (July 6).   I guess we get to 
define that in terms of our own time zone.

Hope to see many of you shortly.



John R. Anderson
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

Phone: 412-268-2788
Fax:     412-268-2844
email: ja at cmu.edu
URL:  http://act.psy.cmu.edu/

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