[ACT-R-users] New ACTR publication

Wayne Gray grayw at rpi.edu
Mon Nov 22 11:36:13 EST 2004


We are pleased to announce a new journal paper focusing on ACTR's 
expected value equation specifically but issues of credit assignment 
in modeling more generally.

Our Cognitive Systems Research journal paper is a substantial 
extension of the work presented at ICCM2004 and published in the 
proceedings. In addition to a greater discussion of the issues 
concerning binary vs scalar credit assignment, it included a 
discussion of three new variants on our actr model. Two of these 
variants are simulations that enable us to isolate the PG-C issues 
from any other problems that our inadequacies as modelers may have 
introduced to our models that might have contributed to the outcomes.

(Note that you will find other ACTR papers in this issue of CSRj.)


>New Volume/Issue is now available on ScienceDirect!
>*  Cognitive Systems Research
>    Volume 6, Issue 1, Pages 1-97 (March 2005)
>    Special Issue of Cognitive Systems Research - The Best Papers from ICCM2004
>    Pittsburgh, USA
>    200407
>    Edited by Christian D. Schunn, Marsha C. Lovett, Christian 
>Lebiere and Paul Munro
>    http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/issue/6595-2005-999939998-529760
>4) Adapting to the task environment: Explorations in expected value
>Pages 27-40
>Wayne D. Gray, Michael J. Schoelles and Chris R. Sims

Wayne D. Gray; Professor of Cognitive Science
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Carnegie Building (rm 108) ;;for all surface mail & deliveries
110 8th St.; Troy, NY 12180

EMAIL: grayw at rpi.edu, Office: 518-276-3315, Fax: 518-276-3017

for general information see: http://www.rpi.edu/~grayw/

for On-Line publications see: 

for the CogWorks Lab see: http://www.cogsci.rpi.edu/cogworks/

If you just have formalisms or a model you are doing "operations 
research" or" AI", if you just have data and a good study you are 
doing "experimental psychology", and if you just have ideas you are 
doing "philosophy" -- it takes all three to do cognitive science.


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