[ACT-R-users] Information Overload in Command and Control

James Peters jpeters at rhsmith.umd.edu
Thu Jun 17 07:41:25 EDT 2004

I have a vague memory of information passing the way of this list about 
research into how to help field commanders sort through the ton of 
information that the military currently can generate about any combat 
situation.  If any of you know of research relevant to this broad topic, 
particularly involving ACT-R models, I would appreciate pointers to the 


James M. Peters, Ph.D., CPA
Department of Accounting and Information Assurance
R. H. Smith School of Business
University of Maryland
College Park, MD  20742-7215
TEL - (301) 405-0570
FAX - (301) 314-9414
jmpeters at umd.edu
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