[ACT-R-users] doctoral consortium for ICCM2004

Christian Schunn schunn+ at pitt.edu
Wed Feb 25 11:08:36 EST 2004


The 6th International Conference on Cognitive Modeling announces a 
(funded) opportunity for doctoral students to attend a doctoral 
consortium, a small 1-day workshop just prior to the conference.

The ICCM 2004 Doctoral Consortium provides an opportunity for 
doctoral students to explore their research interests in a 
multi-approach workshop, under the guidance of a panel of 
distinguished research faculty, consisting of David Touretzky (CMU) 
and Wayne Gray (RPI). The Consortium has the following objectives:
  *  provide a setting for mutual feedback on participants' current 
research and guidance on future research directions
  *  develop a supportive community of scholars and a spirit of 
collaborative research
  *  contribute to the conference goals through interaction with other 
researchers and conference events

The Consortium will be held the day before ICCM-2004, on Wednesday, 
July 29th, 2004. Student participants receive complimentary 
conference registration as well as lodging and travel 
reimbursement-maximum amounts will be determined at a later date.

In addition to participating in the Doctoral Consortium, all Doctoral 
Consortium students are expected to prepare a poster for presentation 
at the ICCM-2004 poster session.

Deadline: April 1st 2004

Review Criteria
The Doctoral Consortium review committee will select participants 
based on their anticipated contribution to the Consortium objectives. 
Participants typically have settled on thesis directions but have not 
necessarily had their research proposals accepted by their thesis 
committees. The Doctoral Consortium encourages participation of 
students from a wide variety of modeling approaches. Students from 
under-represented groups or institutions, including students from 
institutions where modeling is not a strength, are especially 
encouraged to apply.


To apply, prepare and email to iccm at pitt.edu the following: an 
extended abstract in PDF form and a letter of recommendation. In the 
email sent to iccm at pitt.edu, include the following information: your 
name, your department, your institution, your thesis advisor's name, 
and keywords that describe your research area (both modeling approach 
and domain area).

Extended Abstract
Prepare a two-page extended abstract of your thesis work in the 
Conference Publications Format including title, author information, 
abstract, keywords, thesis research summary, and references. The 
abstract will appear in the proceedings. Submit the abstract as a PDF 
file by email attachment to iccm at pitt.edu. Put your name and 
"Doctoral Consortium" in the email message subject field. In the 
email message, include your name, your department, your institution, 
your thesis advisor's name, and keywords that describe your research 
area (both modeling approach and domain area).

Letter of Recommendation
Have a letter of recommendation from your thesis advisor emailed to 
iccm at pitt.edu (by April 1st 2004). The recommendation should include 
formal reviews of your research and the expected timetable for 

Doctoral Consortium students are not expected to do a separate poster 
submission for the work that they plan to discuss at the Consortium 
meeting. (A submission on other work is, of course, acceptable.)

Upon Acceptance
Applicants will be notified by April 4th 2004. Extended abstracts of 
accepted submissions will be published in the ICCM 2004 Proceedings. 
Author Kits with instructions on how to submit materials for 
publication will be sent with acceptance.

At the Conference
Authors must be available for discussion and interaction with 
attendees during the scheduled poster session.

* Your submission must be in English.
* Submissions arriving after the deadline will not be considered.
* You will receive email notification upon receipt of your submission.

For more information on ICCM2004 more generally, see 
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