[ACT-R-users] Multi-agent model with ACT-R 5.0?

sung-youn.kim at stonybrook.edu sung-youn.kim at stonybrook.edu
Mon Feb 2 19:31:37 EST 2004


I am a graduate student studying political science at Stony Brook

Can anyone give me some information about building a multi-agent model
with ACT-R 5.0 (or later)? I am trying to do some simulation with
experimental game data. What will be the (practically) best way to do
it with ACT-R - using package, socket, or something else? Are there
previous studies that used multi-agent model with ACT-R 5.0? 

Thanks in advance,  


Sung-youn Kim

Political Science Dept. 
Stony Brook University (SUNY at Stony Brook)
Office : 631-632-7664
Web : http://www.ic.sunysb.edu/stu/sungyoki

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