[ACT-R-users] ACT-R within LISP program

Stephane Gamard gamars at rpi.edu
Thu Aug 29 13:46:16 EDT 2002

Hi everybody,

    I seeking for help regarding a problem I have with ACT-R. I am not myself a good programmer with LISP and I would like to integrate ACT-R to a program in LISP. The prob though is that ACT-R need to be ran as a child process (in order not to block the rest of the program). I've been trying to get it to work for the past few month but my LISP skills (rather the lack of them) is a very big limitation. Would someone have some example code and/or correct me on a small example such as the one at the bottom. 
    Thanks to all,



(in-package :common-graphics-user)

(eval-when (:compile-top-level :load-top-level :execute)
  (use-package :multiprocessing)
  (require :process))

(defun testactr ()
  (load-model-fct "drunken" "sys:active;UT-bot;ACT-R;")
  (format t "~&-------> Getting the thread to run ~&")
   (mp:process-run-function "act-r" (run))
  (format t "~&+-+-+-+> outside the thread ~&")
  (loop for n from 1 to 100
        do (format t " _-_-_-_->> interfearences !!!! ;-)~&")))
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