Third Annual ACT-R Workshop and Summer School
Christian Lebiere
cl+ at
Fri Dec 8 15:07:35 EST 1995
As promised, here is the announcement for next year's ACT-R gathering.
I apologize for the length of this message but, as the event gets more
complex each year, so does the announcement. Please feel free to send
me any questions, remarks or suggestions that you might have.
Looking forward to seeing y'all next year in Pittsburgh,
Third Annual ACT-R Workshop and Summer School
Carnegie Mellon University
June 1996
The Third Annual ACT-R Workshop and Summer School will take place from
June 15th to June 30th 1996 at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh.
It will consist of an 8-day summer school to train cognitive scientists
in the use of ACT-R, a 4-day tutorial to introduce new ACT-R features to
accomplished users, and a 2-day workshop to present new research and
developments in ACT-R. The general plan is to have a small number of
participants in the summer school, to have them joined by more for the
tutorial, and then to have these joined by the larger community of ACT-R
researchers for the workshop.
The summer school will run from Monday June 17th to Monday June 24th.
Its goal is to train researchers in the use of ACT-R for cognitive
modeling. It will include theory lectures, homework assignments and
research projects. Admission will be restricted to a small number of
researchers who will be expected to stay on for the tutorial and
workshop. Stipends are available. Novices will be required to attend a
pre-summer school session on Saturday June 15th and Sunday June 16th to
familiarize themselves with the basics of production system programming.
A tutorial in the use of the new features of ACT-R 3.0 will be held
between the summer school and workshop, from Tuesday June 25th to Friday
June 28th. In addition to summer school participants, the tutorial is
open to a limited number of workshop participants. Preference will be
given to graduates of previous summer schools and to those who can bring
their own portable computer. Topics include a new development
environment, visual and action interface, and integrated experiment
The workshop will take place on Saturday June 29th and Sunday June 30th.
It will be devoted to presentations of new research and developments in
ACT-R. In particular, the new ACT-R 3.0 system will be presented. In
addition to a more efficient implementation, it features fully
integrated development environment, visual and action interface, and
software to run experiments. Workshop participants will receive a copy
of the new system.
Housing is available in the CMU dormitories. A single room in the
Resnick/West Wing dorms (newer, air-conditioned) is $38 per night or
$190 per week. A room in the Morewood dorms (older, no ac) is $19 per
night or $95 per week. Housing reservations for the CMU dorms should be
made with the registration. Please indicate your day of arrival and
departure, and which dorm you would like to stay in. Room payment is
due upon check-in.
A block of rooms has been reserved for the conference at the Holiday Inn
University Center on the campus of the University of Pittsburgh, within
easy walking distance of CMU. You should contact the Holiday Inn
directly for reservations at +1 (412) 682-6200. The workshop rate is
$94 per night, and a special government rate is available at $78 per
The summer school application should include your statement of purpose
and curriculum vitae. Stipends of up to $750 are available for expense
reimbursement for summer school participants. Students and postdocs are
eligible for the stipend, and US citizenship is required. If you are
applying for the stipend, you should also include a letter of reference
from a faculty member.
The registration fee for the tutorial (June 25 to 28) is $25 for
students, $50 for postdocs and $75 for others. Please specify in your
application whether you are a summer school graduate and whether you can
bring your portable computer.
The application deadline for the summer school and tutorial is April
1st. Do not include the registration fee for the tutorial with your
application. Applicants will be notified of acceptance by April 15th.
The registration fee for the workshop (June 29 and 30) is $25 for
students, $50 for postdocs and $75 for others. Workshop participants
are encouraged to give short presentations on their ACT-R-related
research. Completed, ongoing or planned projects and comparative
studies are all acceptable. Please specify the topic of your
presentation when registering. The registration deadline is June 1st.
All registration fees are due by June 1st. Applications and
registrations (including email address) should be mailed to:
1996 ACT-R Workshop and Summer School
Psychology Department
Attn: Helen Borek
Baker Hall 345C
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890
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