Connectionists: New seminar in Applied Algebraic Topology and Networks

Jānis Lazovskis Janis.Lazovskis_1 at
Tue Oct 17 06:57:26 EDT 2023

Dear colleagues,

With great pleasure we announce the launch of the AATRN Networks Seminar.

This monthly seminar is an affiliated activity of the Applied Algebraic Topology Research Network (<>), and will be covering applications and theory of how network structure is revealed through topology and algebra. The talks will be held once a month, generally on the first Tuesday of the month, starting 7 November at 5pm CET (11am Eastern) via the Zoom platform.

We already have a lineup of exciting speakers, including:

Cristian Bodnar (Microsoft)

Dani Bassett (University of Pennsylvania)

Katie Morrison (University of Northern Colorado)

Please visit the seminar web page for the full schedule and speakers:<>

Regular reminders (and Zoom coordinates) will be distributed through our mailing list, for which you can register at:<>

The reminders will also be forwarded to the AATRN mailing list, to which you can also register (if you have not already done so) at:<>

As with regular AATRN activities, the talks will also be available through the AATRN YouTube channel:<>

Please help us spread the word about this new seminar series within your own research network. If you have suggestions for a speaker, please email the seminar at topologyandnetworks at<mailto:topologyandnetworks at>.

We apologise if you receive this message multiple times since we are announcing it on various venues.

Best wishes from the organisers,

Daniela Egas Santander, Jānis Lazovskis, Henri Riihimäki, Jason Smith

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