Connectionists: Fw: Call for papers: International Workshop on Social Activity Recognition (IWSAR 2017)

Marco Gillies M.Gillies at
Fri May 5 08:46:53 EDT 2017

Call For Papers
The First International Workshop on Social Activity Recognition (IWSAR)
Held as part of the 2017 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp)
September 12, 2017 Maui (USA)

We invite you to take part in the first international Workshop on Social Activity Recognition (IWSAR<>). The workshop is being held as part of the 2017 ACM Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp<>), and will take place in Maui, Hawaii, on September 12th.

Research on activity and context recognition has traditionally focused on a single user, but most real-world activities are social -- they are carried out by, and within, groups of two or more people. The aim of social activity recognition, as explored in this workshop, is to use ubiquitous and wearable sensing as a basis for research into activities that involve interactions between more than one person. Social interactions are varied and can include verbal or non-verbal communication, social signalling, physical collaboration, conflict, spontaneous role-taking, etc.  Methods for, and applications of, sensing and modelling of physical interaction and joint activity is an exciting new cross-disciplinary research topic across the computing, cognitive, and behavioural sciences. The main objective of this workshop is to bring together researchers who are working on, or who are interested in,  automatic sensing, recognition, and use of information about human activities in social or group settings. The workshop will provide a forum for participants to bring together ideas and to share work-in-progress on this topic.

Topics of interest
The workshop will be of interest to researchers across the spectrum of ubiquitous computing, the behavioural sciences, and beyond, who are interested in developing and using activity sensing and recognition in a social context.

Potential topics include, but are not limited to:

  *   Activity and context recognition in dyads or groups (multimodal, multi-person sensing)
  *   Social sensing (crowd sourcing, opportunistic sensing,  ad-hoc group formation, data sharing, privacy)
  *   Virtual social interaction (AI, virtual reality, motion tracking, virtual agents and avatars)
  *   Machine learning (modelling activities and actions across multiple people, dealing with uncertainty)
  *   Experimental design (experiences with data collection, annotation, evaluation in-the-wild)
  *   Social psychology (joint action, non-verbal interaction, group behaviour)

Of particular interest are topics related to the applications of social activity recognition, for example:

  *   Behavioural change
  *   Computer-supported collaborative work (CSCW)
  *   Wearables
  *   Multi-player gaming
  *   Tools for cognitive and behavioural science research

Guide for authors
We aim to encourage participation from researchers across a variety of fields. To reflect this submissions can vary from a 1 page psychology-style abstract, up to a 10-page technical paper (maximum). Concise, short papers are particularly encouraged. All submissions should use the SIGCHI Extended Abstract format (landscape, see templates for Word<> or LaTeX<>).

Accepted papers will be peer reviewed, and will be published both in the ACM Digital Library and as part of the Ubicomp 2017 supplementary proceedings. Authors will be invited to present their work for discussion at the workshop in a series of short 10-15 minute presentations.

Please email your paper directly to chair at<mailto:chair at> with "IWSAR submission" as the subject line.

Important Dates
Deadline for submission: Friday, 9 June 2017.
Notification of acceptance: Friday, 30 June 2017.
Deadline for camera-ready submission: Wednesday, 12 July 2017.

Organising committee:
Jamie A. Ward, University College London (UCL), UK.
Paul Lukowicz, German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), Kaiserslautern, Germany.
Kai Kunze, Keio Media Design, Japan.
Koichi Kise, Osaka Prefecture University, Japan.
For general enquiries, please contact:  j.a.ward at<mailto:j.a.ward at>

Technical Program Committee
Daniel Gatica-Perez, EPFL
Daniel Roggen, University of Sussex
Kristof Van Laerhoven, University Siegen
Philipp Scholl, University of Freiburg
Jan-Ye, University of St. Andrews
Ulf Blank, ETH Zurich
Antonia Hamilton, UCL
Marco Gillies, Goldsmiths

We look forward to seeing you at IWSAR and UbiComp!
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