Connectionists: Workshop announcement: HBP Hippocamp 2017, May 23-24 @ EITN, Paris, France

emuller eilif.mueller at
Thu Apr 27 09:48:31 EDT 2017

[Apologies for cross-posting] 

Dear Colleagues, 

I write to announce an upcoming workshop: 

HBP Hippocamp 2017: Collaborative and Integrative Modeling of

to be held May 23rd - 24th at the European Institute for Theoretical
Neuroscience (EITN) in Paris, France, supported in part by the Human
Brain Project ( ). 

In short, the objective of the workshop is to highlight existing
modeling efforts and strategic datasets for modeling the hippocampus,
and define a common integrative and collaborative modeling target
including HBP and community stakeholders. The ultimate aim is to
catalyze an inclusive community-driven integration and release process
for open pre-competitive reference models of hippocampus which are well
documented and validated (supported in part by IT infrastructure funded
by HBP). Involvement from the community interested in models of
hippocampus is highly encouraged. To keep the meeting focused on the
task, participation will be limited to ~45 people, so registration is

For more details, please consult the meeting website at 

for registration and further information. 

Thanks in advance for your interest, and looking forward to your

Best regards, 

Eilif Muller

On behalf of the organizing committee: 
Alain Destexhe, Katherine Fregnac, Szabolcs Káli, Audrey Mercer,
Michele Migliore, Eilif Muller, Armando Romani, Katrien Van Look 

Dr. Eilif Muller
Section Manager - Simulation Neuroscience - Cells & Circuits
Task Leader - Community Engagement - HBP Brain Simulation SP

EPFL - Blue Brain Project
Biotech Campus
Chemin des Mines 9
1202 Geneva

Tel: +41 21 693 0698
Fax: +41 21 693 5350

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