Connectionists: 22nd BMVA Computer Vision Summer School 2017 - Registration open

Nicola Bellotto nicola.bellotto at
Thu Apr 27 05:07:02 EDT 2017

The registration for the 22nd BMVA Computer Vision Summer School 2017 is now 

Important Dates:
Early registration: 2 June 2017
Late registration: 23 June 2017
Summer school: Monday 3 July - Friday 7 July 2017, University of Lincoln, UK
twitter: @BmvaCvss
1 week of intensive training - 
Over 2 decades of BMVA tradition
British Machine Vision Association (BMVA) runs an annual Computer Vision 
Summer School aimed at PhD students in their first year, though it will be 
beneficial to other researchers at an early stage in their careers. Despite the 
title, students from non-UK universities are welcome to attend, as well as 
students from UK universities. Places are limited to ensure good interaction 
in lab classes.
The 2017 Summer School will take place at the University of Lincoln, UK, 
between 3 July and 7 July. It will consist of an intensive week of lectures 
and lab sessions covering a wide range of topics in Computer Vision. Lecturers 
are researchers in field from some of the most active research groups in the UK 
and abroad.

In addition to the academic content, the Summer School provides a networking 
opportunity for students to interact with their peers, and to make contacts 
among those who will be the active researchers of their own generation.

Confirmed BMVA Summer School Speakers:

Adrian Clark
Universty of Essex

Davide Scaramuzza
University of Zurich

Dima Damen
University of Bristol

Eng-Jon Ong
University of Surrey

Federica Bogo
Microsoft HoloLens

Graham Finlayson
University of East Anglia

Krystian Mikolajczyk
Imperial College London

Michal Mackiewicz
University of East Anglia

Nicola Bellotto
University of Lincoln

Nicolas Pugeault
University of Exeter

Robert Deaves

Roy Davies
Royal Holloway, University of London

Tae-Kyun Kim
Imperial College London

Tim Cootes
The University of Manchester

Toby Breckon
Durham University

Xianghua Xie
Swansea University

Summer School Programme can be found online:
Dr Nicola Bellotto, Dr Tryphon Lambrou, Dr Michael Mangan (University of 
Dr Michal Mackiewicz (University of East Anglia)

cvss2017 at

Dr Nicola Bellotto
School of Computer Science
University of Lincoln
Brayford Pool
Lincoln, LN6 7TS
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)1522 886080

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