Connectionists: Whole Cell Modelling Course at CRG, Barcelona (Sept 4th-7th)

Diego López dlpigozzi at
Mon Apr 24 04:21:40 EDT 2017

Dear all,

I am glad to announce the specific training on wholce cell modelling that
is gonna be hold at Barcelona from September 4th to 7th.

The *deadline* for applications finishes *May 18th*.

The course is designed for PhD students and postdoctoral scholars who wish
to gain training in large-scale dynamical modeling. Students should already
have a strong foundation in computational systems biology including
dynamical modeling and scientific programming.

More information at:

Sincerely yours,

Diego López Pigozzi, PhD
MTA Kísérleti Orvostudományi Kutatóintézeténe
Budapest, Hungary
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