Connectionists: postdoctoral position in cognitive and affective neuroscience

Steven Greening sgreening at
Tue Apr 5 20:42:27 EDT 2016

Applications are invited for a full-time postdoctoral research fellowship
in the laboratory of Dr. Steven Greening on projects investigating the
neural bases of emotion-cognition interactions.  This position involves
developing, running, and analyzing data on projects from healthy and
mentally ill individuals, and presenting findings in peer-reviewed
manuscripts and at conferences in collaboration with Dr. Greening.  The
research combines behavior and physiology with a multimodal MRI approach,
FMRI and DTI, using univariate and multivariate analyses. This is a
full-time one-year position with the possibility to renew for a second year.

Apply online and view a more detailed ad at:
Position #039259
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