Connectionists: PhD Studentship in Computational Neuroscience

Volker Steuber v.steuber at
Thu Apr 12 10:04:10 EDT 2007

PhD Studentship in Computational Neuroscience

Applications are invited for a 3 year PhD Studentship in Computational 
Neuroscience in the Science and Technology Research Institute at the 
University of Hertfordshire, UK. The studentship will cover a stipend of 
£12,300 per year plus payment of the standard UK student fees.

Candidates should be interested in information processing in 
biologically detailed models of neuronal networks. Our research involves 
close collaborations with experimentalists in Europe and the USA. More 
details can be found in these recent publications:

Steuber, V., Mittmann, W., Hoebeek, F.E., Silver, R.A., De Zeeuw, C.I., 
Hausser, M. and De Schutter, E. (2007). Cerebellar LTD and pattern 
recognition by Purkinje cells. Neuron 54, 121-136.

Gleeson, P. Steuber, V. and Silver, R.A. (2007). neuroConstruct: A tool 
for modeling networks of neurons in 3D space. Neuron, in press.

Applicants should have good computational and numerical skills and a 
good first degree in maths, computer science, physics, neuroscience or 
biology. Previous experience in neuroscience is not required but would 
be an advantage.

The UH Science and Technology Research Institute has been rated as 4 
(national excellence with evidence of international excellence) at the 
last UK university research assessment exercise. It is located in 
Hatfield in Hertfordshire, just north of London.

Applications including a CV, the contact details of two referees and a 
short statement of research interests should be sent by email to Volker 
Steuber (v.steuber at

Dr Volker Steuber
Senior Lecturer (Research) in Biocomputation
Science and Technology Research Institute
University of Hertfordshire
Hatfield Herts AL10 9AB
Tel +44 1707 284350

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