Preliminary CfP: ICANN 2005 conference

Wlodzislaw Duch wduch at
Wed Jul 21 08:51:12 EDT 2004

ICANN 2005 Preliminary Call for Papers 

The 15th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, ICANN 2005,

will be held from September 11 to September 14, 2005, 
at the Gromada Hotel Conference Center in Warsaw, Poland. 
ICANN is an annual meeting organized by the European Neural Network 
Society in cooperation with the International Neural Network Society, 
Japanese Neural Network Society, and the IEEE Computational Intelligence 
Society (the last one waiting for approval). 

ICANN 2005 welcomes contributions on theory, algorithms, applications and 
implementations in the following broad areas: 

Applications of computational intelligence methods;
Computational neuroscience;
Connectionist cognitive science; 
Data analysis and pattern recognition; 
Hardware implementations;
Neural and hybrid models and algorithms;
Robotics, control, planning;
Signal and time series processing;
Vision and image processing. 

Ideas and nominations for interesting plenary lecturers, tutorials, special 
sessions, workshops and experts willing to organize various session tracks 
are called for. Most active experts will be included in the scientific 
committee of the conference. 

Each special session should have at least 5 presentations and a conference 
track about twice as many. Special session chairs will be responsible for
aspects of their sessions, including soliciting, reviewing, and selecting
papers. To ensure quality of the papers the program committee of 
ICANN 2005 will provide final review and approval for all sessions. 
Proposals to organize special sessions/tracks/workshops should include:
the title and form of the proposed session (track/special session/workshop);
name, affiliation, mailing address and e-mail address of the proposer(s); 
description of the topic of the session, not exceeding 100 words, or 
1000 for tutorials. 

The deadline for these proposal submission is December 31, 2004, 
but early submissions are strongly encouraged. 

Proceedings of ICANN will be published in the "Lecture Notes in Computer 
Science" series of Springer-Verlag. Paper length is restricted to a maximum 
of 6 pages, including figures, but expanded versions of papers may be 
published in an electronic form on a CD. Detailed author instructions will
available at the web site. Submissions will be possible by file uploading or

via e-mail postscript or PDF file attachment. 

Deadlines and conference calendar in 2005:

3.01     Submission page opens
15.02   End of submission of papers to regular sessions
30.02   End of submission of papers to special sessions
30.04   Acceptance/rejection notification
15.06   Deadline for camera ready papers
1.07     Deadline for early registration
11.09   Tutorials - first day of the conference
12-14.09   The main part of the conference
15 .09   Workshops  	

You may also be interested to know that the 
Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA 2005) conference
will be organized just before ICANN in Wroclaw, Poland. 

For further information and/or contacts, send inquiries to 
icann05 at  or to 
ICANN 2005 Conference Secretariat 
Mrs. Krystyna Warzywoda
Systems Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences
ul. Newelska 6, 01-447 Warszawa, Poland

General Program Chairs: 

Wlodzislaw Duch, 
Nicholaus Copernicus University, Torun, Poland, 
and Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 
duch, at server: (Google: Duch)

Janusz Kacprzyk, 
System Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, 
kacprzyk, at server (Google: Janusz Kacprzyk)

e-mail:  icann05 at

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