Ph.D. Position Available

Marco Zaffalon zaffalon at
Wed Oct 9 10:43:38 EDT 2002

[apologies for multiple postings]

Ph.D. Position Available - Deadline December 1st 2002
IDSIA, Switzerland, is seeking for an outstanding Ph.D. student with 
excellent mathematical as well as computer programming skills.

We intend to explore the opportunities offered by imprecise probabilities 
and graphical models to data mining, in particular to classification. 
Classification has a long tradition in Artificial Intelligence and 
Statistics. Classifiers are tools inferred from data that learn how to do 
real and important tasks of diagnosis, prediction and recognition. 
Imprecise probability-based classification is an exciting new area, with 
great potential to provide new and reliable ways to deal with difficult 
problems. The research will need to address both theoretical (foundations 
of statistical reasoning) and applied issues (implementation and test of 
new models).

Possible backgrounds are computer science, physics, mathematics, 
engineering, etc. The position is funded by the Swiss National Science 
Foundation. The initial appointment will be for 2 years. Normally there 
will be a prolongation. The new Ph.D. student will interact with Marco 
Zaffalon and other people at IDSIA, and will be involved in international 
research collaborations. See for more information.

Applicants should submit:
1. Detailed curriculum vitae,
2. List of three references (and their email addresses),
3. Transcripts of undergraduate and graduate (if applicable) studies,
4. Concise statement of their research interests (two pages max).

Please address all correspondence to: Marco Zaffalon, IDSIA, Galleria 2, 
CH-6928 Manno (Lugano), Switzerland.
Applications can also be submitted by e-mail to zaffalon at (2MB 
max). WWW pointers to ps/pdf/doc/html files are welcome. Use 
Firstname.Lastname.DocDescription.DocType for filename convention.

Thanks for your interest.

Marco Zaffalon, Senior Researcher, IDSIA
tel +41 91 610 8665
fax +41 91 610 8661
e-mail mailto:zaffalon at

IDSIA ( is a joint research institute of the University 
of Lugano ( and the Swiss Italian University for 
Applied Science ( Our research focuses on uncertain 
reasoning, imprecise probabilities, graphical models, data mining, 
artificial neural nets, reinforcement learning, complexity and 
generalization issues, unsupervised learning and information theory, 
forecasting, artificial ants, combinatorial optimization, evolutionary 
IDSIA is small but visible, competitive, and influential. The "X-Lab 
Survey" by Business Week Magazine ranked IDSIA among the world's top ten 
labs in Artificial Intelligence. IDSIA's algorithms hold the world records 
for several important operations research benchmarks (see Nature 
406(6791):39-42 for an overview of artificial ant algorithms developed at 
IDSIA is located near the swiss supercomputing center. IDSIA is close to 
the beautiful city of Lugano in Ticino, the scenic southernmost province of 
Switzerland. Zurich, Milan and Venice are only few hours away by train.

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