Workshop on Regulatory Issues in Medical Decision Support, UCL, F riday 19th October 2001

Lisboa Paulo P.J.Lisboa at
Fri Sep 7 04:45:28 EDT 2001

Dear Colleagues,

Europe and the USA have rapidly growing markets for medical equipment, whose
operation increasingly relies on complex software.  The explosion of
networking and databases, coupled with user demands for better quality,
personalisation and remote care, all point to a fast commercial development
of healthcare informatics.

However, there are many unresolved issues surrounding the application of the
Medical Devices Directives, especially in Medical Decision Support.  This
workshop brings together the main complementary perspectives that impact
directly on regulatory procedures, introduced by speakers who are recognised
authorities in the design, evaluation and practical use of statistical,
rule-based and neural network systems. The purpose of the workshop is to
identify and discuss key issues, so as to provide pointers to effective and
practical ways to resolve them.

A programme and registration leaflet is attached.  In time a link will
appear also at the AIME website

Paulo Lisboa.



09.30-10.15	Registration and Coffee

10.25-10.30	Welcome
		Professor Paulo Lisboa, John Moores University, Liverpool.

10.30-11.10	The Medical Devices Directives: Application of the Directives to
		Medical Decision Support Systems (Scope and Conformity Assessment)
		Mr. P. Stonebrook, Medical Devices Agency.

11.10-11.50	Key issues for computer-based decision support in clinical practice
		Dr. Bipin Vadher, Bromley Hospitals NHS Trust.

11.50-12.30	Experience with longstanding decision support and perspectives of new
		developments in Europe.
		Dr. Susan Clamp, Clinical Information Science Unit, Leeds.

12.30-13.30	Lunch

13.30-14.15	Issues in the development of good statistical models for prognosis
		Professor Doug Altman, Centre for Statistics in Medicine, Oxford.

14.15-15.00	Clinical Decision- making by machine: maximising safety and limiting risk
		Professor John Fox, ICRF, Lincoln's Inn Fields.

15.00-15.15	Tea

15.15-16.00	Validation of neural network medical systems 
		Dr. Ian Nabney, Cardionetics Institute of Bioinformatics,
		Aston University. 

16.00-16.30	Discussion
		Dr. Jeremy Wyatt, UCL, to lead on practical ways forward in the
		evaluation and certification of software for medical decision support.

16.30  	Close of Meeting



Regulatory Issues in Medical Decision Support
19th October, University College London

REGISTRATION FEES:(Incl. of lunch and coffee)
Members of AIME Institutions and BMIS 	£ 60.00
Non-Members 	 				£ 75.00
Student / Retired	 				£ 40.00
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Engineering in Medicine')
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