ICCIMA'98 Second Call for Papers

anneliese von mayrhauser avm at CS.ColoState.EDU
Wed May 7 13:51:30 EDT 1997

        5th International Workshop on Program Comprehension

                         The Dearborn Inn
                        Dearborn, Michigan
                         May  28-30, 1997

                        Preliminary Program


Comprehending programs written by others is at the heart of various
software engineering activities. Program comprehension is performed
when one reuses, reengineers, or enhances existing (or legacy) programs.
It is also performed during review or code walk-through of new programs.

The goal of this workshop is to bring together practitioners and
researchers from government, academia, and industry to review the
current state of the art and explore solutions to the program 
comprehension problem. 

On-line Web sites for detailed information

IWPC'97 Chairs

General Chair:
  Anneliese von Mayrhauser, Colorado State University, USA

Program Co-Chairs:
   Gerardo Canfora, University of Salerno, Italy
   Arun Lakhotia, University of Southwestern Louisiana. USA

Local arrangements Chair:
   Vaclav Rajlich, Wayne State University, USA

Sponsored by:
   The Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers Inc.
   IEEE Computer Society
   Technical Council on Software Engineering

In cooperation with:
   Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan
   Louisiana Board of Regents

Preliminary Program:

DAY 1: Wednesday, May 28, 1997

SESSION 1: Intro and Keynote 8:45-10:00am

Keynote Address: Problems versus Solutions: The Role of the Domain
	         in Software Comprehension.
                 Iris Vessey, Indiana University, USA

SESSION 2: Program understanding-in-the-large 10:30-12:00pm

Session Chair: M. Vans, Hewlett-Packard Co., USA

- -  Relationships between Comprehension and Maintenance Activities
   G. Visaggio
   University of Bari, Bari, Italy 
- -  Cognitive design elements to support the construction of a mental
   model during software visualization
   M.A.D. Storey, F.D. Fracchia, H.A. Muller
   University of Victoria, Victoria, Canada 
- -  Understanding-in-the-large 
   J.M. Favre
   IMAG Institute, Grenoble, France 

SESSION 3: Automated Program Understanding 1:30-3:00pm

Session Chair: Hongji Yang, De Montfort University, UK

- -  Automated chunking to support program comprehension
   I.J. Burnstein, K. Roberson
   Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, USA 
- -  Semi-automatic generation of parallelizable patterns from source
   code examples 
   D. Markovic, J.R. Hagemeister, C.S. Raghavendra, S. Bhansali
   Washington State University, Pullman, USA 
- -  Using knowledge representation to understand interactive systems
   M. Moore, S. Rugaber
   Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA 

SESSION 4: Program Analysis 3:30-5:00pm

Session Chair: A. De Lucia, University of Salerno, Italy

- -  Amorphous Program Slicing
   M. Harman, S. Danicic
   University of North London, London, UK 
- -  Dynamic program slicing in understanding of program execution
   B. Korel, J. Rilling
   Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, USA 
- -  Points-to Analysis for Program Understanding
   P. Tonella, G. Antoniol, R. Fiutem
   IRST, Povo (Trento), Italy
   E. Merlo
   Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal, Quebec, Canada 

DAY 2: Thursday, May 29, 1997

SESSION 5: Program Comprehension 8:30-10:00am

Session Chair: J. Q. Ning, Andersen Consulting, USA

- -  A case study of domain-based program understanding
   R. Clayton, S. Rugaber, L. Taylor, L. Wills
   Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA 
- -  A little knowledge can go a long way towards program understanding
   J. Sayyad-Shirabad, T.C. Lethbridge 
   University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada
   S. Lyon
   Mitel Corporation, Kanata, Canada 
- -  Facilitating Program Comprehension via Generic Components
   for State Machines
   J. Weidl, R. Klosch, G. Trausmuth, H. Gall
   Technical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria 

SESSION 6: Finding Reusable Assets 10:30-12:00pm

Session Chair: A. Cahill, University of Limerick, Ireland

- -  Enriching Program Comprehension for Software Reuse
   E.L. Burd, M. Munro 
   University of Durham, Durham, UK 
- -  Identifying Objects in Legacy Systems
   A. Cimitile, A. De Lucia
   University of Salerno, Benevento, Italy
   G.A. Di Lucca, A.R. Fasolino
   University of Naples, Naples, Italy 
- -  Code Understanding through Program Transformation for
   Reusable Component Identification
   W.C. Chu
   Feng Chia University, Taiwan
   P. Luker, Hongji Yang
   De Montfort University, Leicester, UK 

SESSION 7: Panel 1:30-3:00pm

Session Chair: V. Rajlich, Wayne State University, USA


- -  S. Rugaber, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
- -  S. Tilley, Software Engineering Institute, USA
- -  A. Von Mayrhauser, Colorado State University, USA

Infrastructure for Software Comprehension and Reengineering

SESSION 8: Tools 3:30-5:00pm

Session Chair: P. Linos, Tennessee Technological University, USA

- -  Evaluation of the ITOC information system design recovery tool
   A. Berglas, J. Harrison
   University of Queensland, Australia 
- -  Glyphs for software visualization
   M.C. Chuah
   Carnegie Mellon University, USA 
   S.G. Eick, Bell Laboratories, USA 
- -  PUI: A Tool to Support Program Understanding
   P.S. Chan, M. Munro
   University of Durham, Durham, UK 

DAY 3: Friday, May 30, 1997

TUTORIAL: 8:30-4:00pm

Empirical techniques: putting empirical evidence into perspective
Marian Petre, Open University, UK

Workshop location

The 5th International Workshop on Program Comprehension 
is held in Dearborn Inn, Dearborn, Michigan. Dearborn
is a suburb of Detroit and it is a home of Henry Ford Museum and
historic Greenfield Village, both star attractions.
Dearborn is easily accessible from Detroit airport.

Hotel Information

The Dearborn Inn                  Phone :13-271-2700
20301 Oakwood Blvd                Fax:   313-271-7464
Dearborn, MI 48124                Cost:US$ 119 pernight
USA                                    (Single/Double)

Deadline for hotel reservations : May 6,1997

Airport to Hotel : Taxi - $15,Shuttle -$10

		      IWPC'97 Registration form

Return this registration form to:

IEEE Computer Society 
IWPC'97 Registration 
1730 Massachusetts Ave., N.W. 
Washington, DC 20036-1992
Fax: 202-728-0884 
Phone: 202-371-1013 (sorry, no phone registrations)





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Workshop Registration Fees
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Advance (received by May 6)     On-Site (received after May 6)
Member         __US $250        __US $290 
Nonmember      __US $320        __US $370
Student        __US $100        __US $100

Workshop registration fee includes admission to the workshop, 
refreshment breaks, the workshop luncheon, and one copy of the 
workshop proceedings. Student fee does not include the luncheon.

Total Enclosed (in US dollars): $_________

Method of Payment (All payments must be in US dollars, drawn on US 
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Written requests for refunds must be received in the registration 
office no later than 5/9/97. Refunds are subject to a $50 processing 
fee. All no-show registrations will be billed in full. Students are 
required to show current picture ID cards at the time of registration. 
Registrations after 5/9/97 will be accepted on-site only.

                        Program Committee

   Paul Bailes, University of Queensland, Australia
   Paolo Benedusi, CRIAI, Italy
   Keith Bennett, University of Durham, UK
   Anthony Cahill, University of Limerick, Ireland
   Doris Carver, Louisiana State University, USA
   Aniello Cimitile, University of Benevento, Italy
   Robin Chen, AT&T Research, USA
   Ugo De Carlini, University of Naples, Italy
   Prem Devanbu, AT&T Research, USA
   Stephen G. Eick, AT&T Research, USA
   Philippe Facon, IEE-CNAM, France
   Harald Gall, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
   Ric Holt, University of Toronto, Canada
   Daniel Jackson, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
   Robin Jeffries, SunSoft, Inc., USA
   Rene Kloesch, Vienna University of Technology, Austria  
   Panos Linos, Tennessee Technological University, USA
   Ettore Merlo, Ecole Polytechnique, Canada
   Hausi A. Muller, University of Victoria, Canada
   Malcolm Munro, University of Durham, UK
   Jim Q. Ning, Andersen Consulting, USA
   Alex Quilici, University of Hawaii, USA
   Vaclav Rajlich, Wayne State University, USA
   Spencer Rugaber, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
   Dennis Smith, Software Engineering Institute, USA
   Harry M. Sneed, SES, Germany   
   Jorma Taramaa, VTT Electronics, Finland
   Scott Tilley, Software Engineering Institute, USA
   Maria Tortorella, University of Naples, Italy
   Marie Vans, Hewlett-Packard Co., USA
   Giuseppe Visaggio, University of Bari, Italy
   Norman Wilde, University of Western Florida, USA
   Linda Wills, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
   Hongji Yang, De Montfort University, UK

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