SOFM Demo Applet + source code

Simon Lucas at
Thu Dec 4 11:30:39 EST 1997

Dear All,

  I've written a colourful self-organising map
 demo - follow the link on my homepage listed
 below.  This runs as a Java applet, and allows 
 one to experiment with the effects of changing
 the neighbourhood radius.

  This may be of interest to those who have to teach
 the stuff - I've also included a complete listing
 of the source code.

  Best Regards,
    Simon Lucas

Dr. Simon Lucas
Department of Electronic Systems Engineering
University of Essex
Colchester CO4 3SQ
United Kingdom

Tel:    (+44) 1206 872935
Fax:    (+44) 1206 872900
Email:  sml at
secretary:  Mrs Wendy Ryder (+44) 1206 872437

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