Tal Grossman

Pierre Baldi pfbaldi at cco.caltech.edu
Tue Sep 19 11:33:26 EDT 1995

Tal Grossman tragically died in a car accident on August 1st.
Tal was in the Complex Systems Group at Los Alamos.
He was very active in the area of machine learning and computational 
molecular biology. 
He gave a presentation at one of the NIPS workshops last year. 
This year he was trying to organize the same workshop himself. 
He is survived by his wife and children.

Anyone who knew Tal, and feels the need to, is welcome to contact
either his wife:

Dr. Ramit Mehr-Grossman
ramit at t10.lanl.gov

or his sponsor at Los Alamos:

Dr. Alan Lapedes
asl at t13.lanl.gov

Pierre Baldi

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