Technical Report Available

James L. McClelland jlm at
Wed Dec 20 18:16:31 EST 1995

The following Technical Report is available electronically from our
FTP server or in hard copy form.  Instructions for obtaining copies
may be found at the end of this post.


	       On the Time Course of Perceptual Choice:
	  A Model Based on Principles of Neural Computation

		  Marius Usher & James L. McClelland

		  Carnegie Mellon University and the
	       Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition

                    Technical Report PDP.CNS.95.5
                            December 1995

The time course of information processing is discussed in a model
based on leaky, stochastic, non-linear accumulation of activation in
mutually inhibitory processing units. The model addresses data from
choice tasks using both time-controlled (e.g., deadline or response
signal) and standard reaction time paradigms, and accounts
simultaneously for aspects of data from both paradigms.  In special
cases, the model becomes equivalent to a classical diffusion process,
but in general a more complex type of diffusion occurs. Mutual
inhibition counteracts the effects of information leakage, allows
flexible choice behavior regardless of the number of alternatives, and
contributes to accounts of additional data from tasks requiring choice
with conflict stimuli and word identification tasks.


Retrieval information for pdp.cns TRs:

unix> ftp                 #
Name: anonymous
Password: <email address>
ftp> cd pub/pdp.cns
ftp> binary
ftp> get              # gets this tr
ftp> quit
unix> zcat | lpr      # or however you print postscript


The compressed file is 567,075 bytes long.
Uncompressed, the file is 1,768,398 byes long.

The printed version is 53 total pages long.

For those who do not have FTP access, physical copies can be requested from
Barbara Dorney <bd1q+ at>.

For a list of available PDP.CNS Technical Reports:

> get README

For the titles and abstracts:


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