Call For Papers: COLT'95 -- Plaintext Version

Ming Li mingli at
Tue Oct 4 14:25:04 EDT 1994


                      CALL FOR PAPERS---COLT 95

                         Eighth Conference on
                    Computational Learning Theory

                     Santa Cruz, California, USA;
                            July 5-8, 1995

The Eighth Conference on  Computational Learning Theory (COLT 95) will
be held on the campus of the  University of California at  Santa Cruz,
USA,  from the late afternoon of Wednesday,  July 5, through Saturday,
July 8, 1995. COLT 95 is sponsored by the University of California, in
cooperation  with the ACM Special  Interest Groups for Algorithms  and
Computation Theory (SIGACT) and Artificial Intelligence (SIGART).  

We invite papers in all areas that relate directly to the  analysis of
learning  algorithms  and the  theory of  machine learning,  including 
artificial and biological  neural networks.  We also invite  papers on
learning  from  related  theoretical   and  applied  areas,   such  as
statistics, statistical physics,  Bayesian/MDL estimation, information
theory,  inductive  inference,  logic,  inductive  logic  programming,
knowledge representation,  knowledge discovery  in databases,  natural
language processing, robotics, and pattern recognition. Besides purely
theoretical  papers   we  encourage   the  submission  of   papers  on
experimental results that also provide a theoretical analysis.

Invited  talks will be  given by  Terry Sejnowski  (Salk Institute and
University  of  California  at  San Diego)  and  Les Valiant  (Harvard

Authors should submit fourteen copies (preferably two-sided copies) of
an extended abstract to 

                       Wolfgang Maass - COLT 95
              Institute for Theoretical Computer Science
                     Technische Universitaet Graz,
                         Klosterwiesgasse 32/2
                         A-8010 Graz, Austria

An abstract must be

                     RECEIVED BY JANUARY 10, 1995

(or postmarked by January 2 and sent airmail). This deadline is FIRM!  

Papers that  have appeared in journals  or other conferences,  or that
are being  submitted to  other  conferences,  are not  appropriate for
submission  to COLT.  There is a single  exception:  Since in 1995 the 
notification date  for STOC is shortly  after the submission  deadline
for COLT, these conferences  have agreed that a paper can be submitted
both to STOC 95 and COLT 95, with the understanding that such paper is
automatically withdrawn from COLT if accepted at STOC.

The  extended abstract  should  consist of  a cover page  with  title,
authors' names,  postal and e-mail addresses,  and a 200-word summary.  
The body  of the  abstract  should be  no  longer than  10 pages  with
roughly 35 lines/page in 12-point font. Papers deviating significantly
from this  length constraint will not  be considered.  The body should
include a clear definition of the  theoretical model used, an overview
of the results,  and some discussion of their significance,  including
comparison to other work. Proofs or proof sketches should be included.

The program  will consist of both  "long"  talks, and  "short"  talks,
corresponding  to longer and  shorter papers  in the proceedings.  The
short talks will also be coupled with a poster presentation in special
poster sessions.  By default,  all papers will be considered  for both
categories.  Authors who  DO NOT  want their papers considered for the
short category  should indicate  that fact  in the  cover letter.  The
cover letter  should also specify the contact author and  give his/her

Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection by a letter mailed
on or before Friday, March 10,  with possible earlier notification via
e-mail. Final camera-ready papers will be due by Tuesday, April 11.

Wolfgang Maass (TU Graz, Austria, e-mail: maass at

David Haussler and Manfred Warmuth (U. of California at Santa Cruz)

Dana Angluin (Yale),  Peter Bartlett (ANU, Australia),  Tom Dietterich
(Oregon State Univ.), Haym Hirsh (Rutgers), Jeff Jackson (CMU), Martin
Kummer (Univ. Karlsruhe),  Phil Long  (Duke Univ.),  Ron Rivest (MIT), 
Robert Schapire (AT&T), Ted Slaman (Univ. of Chicago),  Naftali Tishby
(Hebrew Univ.), Gyorgy Turan (UIC, Chicago).

The Twelfth  Intern.  Conf.  on Machine Learning (ML 95)  will be held 
right after  COLT 95  on July 9 - 12  at Tahoe City,  California.  Car 
pools from Santa Cruz to  Tahoe City on July 8 will be arranged.

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