Arantza Etxeberria arantza at
Tue May 10 18:13:00 EDT 1994




                   Granada, Spain, 4-6 June, 1995

 Despite its short history, Artificial Life (AL) is already becoming a
 mature scientific field.  By trying to discover the rules of life and
 extract its essence so that it can be implemented in different media, AL
 research is leading us to a better understanding of a large set of
 interesting biology-related problems.

 The Conference will be organized into Scientific Sessions, Demonstrations,
 Videos, and Comercial Exhibits.  Scientific Sessions will consist of
 Lectures (invited), Oral Presentations of submitted papers, and Posters.

 The site of ECAL95 will be the city of Granada, located in the South of
 Spain, in the region of Andalucia.  Granada was the last Arabic site in the
 Iberian Peninsula, and it has the heritage of their culture, including the
 legacy of marvelous constructions such as the Alhambra and the Gardens of

 ECAL95 will be organized in collaboration with the International Workshop
 on Artificial Neural Networks (IWANN95) to be held at Malaga (Costa del
 Sol, Spain), June 7-9, 1995.  Granada and Malaga are only one hour apart by
 car.  Special registration rates will be offered to people wishing to
 attend both meetings.

 Scientific Sessions and Topics

 1. Foundations and Epistemology:
     Philosophical Issues. Emergence. Levels of Organization. Evolution of
     Hierarchical Systems. Evolvability. Computation and Dynamics. Ethical

 2. Evolution:
     Self-organization.  Pattern Formation.  Prebiotic Evolution.  Origins
     of Life.  Evolution of Metabolism.  Evolutionary Optimization.  Fitness
     Landscapes.  RNA Systems.  Ecosystem Evolution.  Biodiversity.  Natural
     Selection and Sexual Selection.  Units of Selection.

 3. Adaptive and Cognitive Systems:
     Reaction, Neural and Immune Networks.  Growth and Differentiation.
     Multicellular Development.  Natural and Artificial Morphogenesis.
     Learning and Development.  Communication

 4. Artificial Worlds:
     Simulation of Ecologycal and Evolving Systems. System-Environment
     Correlation. Sensor-Effector Coordination. Environment Design.

 5. Robotics and Emulation of Animal Behavior:
     Sensory and Motor Activity. Mobile Agents. Adaptive Robots. Autonomous
     Robots. Evolutionary Robotics. Ethology.

 6. Societies and Collective Behavior:
     Swarm Intelligence. Cooperation and Communication among Animals and
     Robots. Evolution of Social Behavior. Social Organizations. Division of

 7. Applications and Common Tools:
     Optimization. Problem Solving. Virtual Reality and Computer Graphics.
     Genetic Algorithms.  Neural Networks.  Fuzzy Logic.  Evolutionary
     Computation.  Genetic Programming.

 Submission Instructions

 Conference Contributions can be either papers, posters, videos, or
 demonstrations.  Authors should specify to wich session cotributions are
 intented. The contributions will be made available in two formats:

 1) Conference Proceedings, published by Springer-Verlag before the
 Conference, including all accepted papers.  One copy of the book will be
 given to each ECAL95 participant.

 2) Abstracts Book, for papers and other contributions (posters, videos, or
 demos).  For this purpose each contribution must include one Title/Abstract
 Page containing the following:
        - Title
        - Full name(s) of author(s)
        - Address(es) of author(s) with phone, fax, and E-mail
        - Extended abstract (100-200 words)
        - Keywords

 - Full papers:  In addition to the Title/Abstract Page, manuscripts should
 not exceed 12 pages, including figures, in DIN-A4 format, with 2.5 cm
 (1 inch) margins all around, and no smaller than 10 point type in
 Times-Roman typeface.  Cammera ready versions of the papers will be
 required after acceptance.

 - Posters:  Submit only the Title/Abstract Page.

 - Demonstrations:  In addition to the Title/Abstract Page, author(s) must
 specify the equipment needed for the demonstration.  Robotic demonstrations
 are encouraged, approximately 250 m2 will be available for this purpose.

 - Videos:  15 minutes maximum duration, VHS format.  In addition to the
 Title/Abstract Page, author(s) must specify recording standard (NTSC, Pal,
 or Secam).

 Submissions can be done in 2 different formats:  hardcopy or electronic.

 A) Hardcopy originals (4 copies) should be sent by the author(s) to the
 Program Secretary at the address below.

 B) Electronic submission:  an anonymous ftp directory has been created at
 the ECAL95 site (, /pub/ecal95/submissions).  Only LaTeX and
 PostScript submissions will be accepted.  The papers must be in the format
 specified above, and must include everything needed to print them (e.g.,
 fonts, macros, figures, etc).

 LaTeX macros and more detailed instructions will be given upon request to
 the ECAL95 Program Secretary, or can be got by ftp from the ECAL95 site.
 For demonstrations and videos contact the Program Secretary.

 Registration / Information
    Program Secretary:

           Juan J. Merelo
           Dept. Electronica          |
           Facultad de Ciencias       |    Phone:  +34-58-243162
           Campus Fuentenueva         |    Fax:    +34-58-243230
           18071 Granada, Spain       |    E-mail: ecal95 at

    Access to ECAL95 site: (
                            login: anonymous
                            cd /pub/ecal95

 Organization Committee

 Federico Moran         U. Complutense Madrid (E)                    Chair
 Alvaro Moreno          U. Pais Vasco, San Sebastian (E)             Chair
 Arantza Etxeberria     U. Sussex (UK)
 Julio Fernandez        U. Pais Vasco, San Sebastian (E)
 George Kampis          ELTE Univ. Budapest (H)
 Francisco Montero      U. Complutense, Madrid (E)
 Tim Smithers           U. Pais Vasco, San Sebastian (E)
 Carme Torras           U. Politecnica Catalunya, Barcelona (E)

 Local Committee

 Alberto Prieto         U. Granada (E)                               Chair
 Juan J. Merelo         U. Granada (E)                           Secretary
 Julio Ortega           U. Granada (E)
 Francisco J. Pelayo    U. Granada (E)

 Program Committee

 Francisco Varela       CNRS/CREA, Paris (F)                         Chair
 Juan J. Merelo         U. Granada (E)                           Secretary
 Riccardo Antonini      U. Carlos III, Madrid (E)
 Michael Arbib          USC, Los Angeles, CA (USA)
 Randall D. Beer        Case Western Reserve U., Cleveland, OH (USA)
 George Bekey           USC, Los Angeles, CA (USA)
 Hugues Bersini         ULB, Brussels (B)
 Paul Bourgine          CEMAGREF, Antony (F)
 Rodney Brooks          MIT, Cambridge, MA (USA)
 Scott Camazine         Wissenschaftskolleg, Berlin (D)
 Peter Cariani          MEEI, Boston, MA (USA)
 Michael Conrad         Wayne State U., Detroit, MI (USA)
 Jaques Demongeot       U. J. Fourier, La Tronche (F)
 Jean-Louis Deneubourg  U. Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels (B)
 Michael Dyer           UCLA, Los Angeles, CA (USA)
 Claus Emmeche          U. of Rosekilde, (DK)
 Walter Fontana         U. of Vienna, (A)
 Brian C. Goodwin       Open U., Milton Keynes (UK)
 Pauline Hogeweg        U. of Utrecht, (NL)
 Philip Husbands        U. of Sussex, Brighton (UK)
 John Koza              Stanford U., CA (USA)
 Chris Langton          Santa Fe Institute, NM (USA)
 Pier L. Luisi          ETHZ, Zurich (CH)
 Pattie Maes            MIT, Cambridge, MA (USA)
 Pedro C. Marijuan      U. Zaragoza, (E)
 Maja J. Mataric        MIT, Cambridge, MA (USA)
 Enrique Melendez-Hevia U. La Laguna, Tenerife (E)
 Eric Minch             Stanford U., CA (USA)
 Melanie Mitchel        Santa Fe Institute, NM (USA)
 Jim D. Murray          U. of Washington, Seattle, WA (USA)
 Juan C. Nuno           U. Politecnica de Madrid, (E)
 Domenico Parisi        CNR, Roma (I)
 Mukesh Patel           Politecnico di Milano, Milan (I)
 Howard Pattee          SUNY, Binghampton, NY (USA)
 Juli Pereto            U. Valencia, (E)
 Rolf Pfeifer           U. Zurich-Irchel, Zurich (CH)
 Steen Rasmussen        LANL, Los Alamos, NM (USA)
 Robert Rosen           Dalhousie U. Halifax (CA)
 Peter Schuster         IMB, Jena (D)
 Luc Steels             VUB, Brussels (B)
 John Stewart           Institut Pasteur, Paris (F)
 Jon Umerez             SUNY Binghamton, NY (USA)
 William C. Winsatt     U. of Chicago, (USA)
 Rene Zapata            LIRM, Montpellier (F)

 Official Language: English

 Publisher: Springer-Verlag

 Important dates:

 January 9, 1995  Submission deadline
 March 10         Notification of acceptance
 March 24         Camera-ready due
 March 31         Early registration deadline
 May 4            Regular registration deadline
 June 3           Reception and on site registration
 June 4-6         Conference dates

 Sponsored by:

 Spanish RIG IEEE Neural Networks Council
 Silicon Graphics (Spain)
 Parque de las Ciencias de Granada
 DGICYT (Spain)
 CICYT (Spain)
 Junta de Andalucia (Spain)

 Organised by:

 Universidad de Granada
 Universidad Complutense de Madrid
 Universidad del Pais Vasco

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